  • 學位論文


A study of competency analysis for E-content instructional designers

指導教授 : 何俐安


在現今知識爆炸、資訊流通快速的時代,坐在教室裡面聽著教師講課已經不再是學習的唯一選擇,藉著網路的興起,數位學習為學習的型態下了新的註解,而數位內容教學設計師(E-Content Instructional Designer)的主要任務就是分析與設計數位學習的內容。本研究旨針對數位內容教學設計師進行專業職能分析。研究目的為: 一、調查數位學習內容業者之教學設計師的專業職能(包含分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑、管理與學理知識等能力)。 二、對培育人才數位內容教學設計師相關教育機構提供課程歸話的建議。 本研究藉由文獻分析與修正型德懷術,將產官學專家意見彙整成數位學習內容業者之教學設計師應具備之專業職能,最後對相關系所提供進一步之課程建議。因此, 本研究依修正型德懷術流程,共進行三回合的問卷調查。問卷調查中將數位內容教學設計師專業職劃分為「分析」、「設計」、「發展」、「實施」、「評鑑」、「管理」與「學理知識」等七大構面,合計四十九個能力分項。 研究結果顯示數位內容教學設計師於七大構面之重要性排序及其內涵說明如下: 一、七大構面中以「設計」與「管理」兩構面重要程度為最高;「發展」則為相對重要性最低者。 二、「分析」構面:數位內容教學設計師之分析能力著重能夠分析教學內容、教學策略與學習問題。 三、「設計」構面:數位內容教學設計師之設計能力應以設計教學內容、方法與策略為主。 四、「發展」構面:數位內容教學設計師在發展能力方面必須能夠撰寫腳本與運用辦公室軟體。 五、「實施」構面:數位內容教學設計師之實施能力著重能夠掌握教學進度與危機處理。 六、「評鑑」構面:數位內容教學設計師之評鑑能力著重夠檢視教學內容與學習成效。 七、「管理」構面:數位內容教學設計師之管理能力著重能夠管理教學設計專案、與合作對象溝通、並協助專案順利進行。 八、「學理知識」構面:數位內容教學設計師必須於學理知識上著重需求評估的知識技能,並能夠運用於專案實施中。 根據研究結果,建議未來培育相關人才機構在其課程規劃上,必須理論與實務並重,學校教育應多重視管理課程;企業培訓則應重視理論基礎之建立。


In this knowledge explosion generation, information circulates rapidly thus lecture inside the classroom is not the only choice for learning. With the rise of Internet, Electronic learning has new explanations for learning methods while Instructional Designer plays the role for analyzing and designing learning materials. This research analyzes professional competency of E-Content Instructional Designer. The research objectives are: 1.investigating the professional competencies of E-Content Instructional Designers in analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, management, core subject domain knowledge. 2.providing suggestions about how to train E-Content Instructional Designers. Based on the result of the literature review, the present study used the Modified Delphi technique to compile expert opinions from industry, government and academic fields in order to explore what competency E-Content Instructional Designer should possess. As a result, three rotations of questionnaire investigation are conducted to collect information. The questionnaire is comprised of seven dimensions, namely “analysis”, “design”, “development”, “implementation”, “evaluation”, “management”, and “core subject domain knowledge”. There are a total of forty-nine items in the survey questionnaire. Based on the data analysis, the findings of the research are: 1.Among the seven competency dimensions, “Design” and “Management” are the two most critical abilities of E-Content Instructional Designers. On the other hand, “development” is the least important skills that E-Content Instructional Designers should demonstrate. 2.Analysis competency: E-Content Instructional Designers should be able to analyze instruction content, teaching strategy and learning question. 3.Design competency: E-Content Instructional Designers’ duty is instructional design. Therefore, the major focus should be designing instructional content and teaching strategy. 4.Development competency: E-Content Instructional Designers should be able to compose scripts and utilize MS Office software applications. 5.Implementation competency: E-Content Instructional Designers should be able to handle the instruction timeline and crisis management. 6.Evaluation competency: E-Content Instructional Designers should be able to examine the instruction content and the learning achievement. 7.Management competency: E-Content Instructional Designers have to be able to oversee instructional design projects and keep effective and efficient communications with the their clients or partners in order to facilitate the projects running smoothly. 8. Core subject domain knowledge: E-Content Instructional Designers should have learned needs analysis previously and been able to apply those knowledge and skills on future projects. Based on the findings of this research, the study proposes that future educational institutes should emphasize both theoretical and practical foundations of potential of E-Content Instructional Designers. However, the observations from the study suggest that 1) educational institutions should be concerned with providing future E-Content Instructional Designers more opportunities for practical experiences in order to gain management skills; and 2) corporate training centers should be concerned with providing future E-Content Instructional Designers more opportunities for theoretical buildings in the core knowledge domains.


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