  • 學位論文

初估中國大陸「西部大開發」經濟發展成果之研究 (2000〜2005年)

A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Great Leap West (GLW) Policy on Economic Development at China

指導教授 : 李志強


中國大陸自1992年起正式實行「社會主義市場經濟體制」,在市場化轉型下,引進了市場(自由競爭)機制,凡事講求競爭力、生產力、技術力、高效率、以及投資風險控管,並追求適度經濟成長率、生活品質提升、環境保護、產業和經濟活力、資源和資金合理配置、以及生產和投資合理化。 2000年11月,中國大陸國務院對西部大開發提出四方面的政策,即增加資金投入、改善投資環境、擴大開放和對人力資源作出投資,藉以吸引投資,加快西部地區的發展。由於2001年12月11日,中國大陸加入WTO,面對經濟全球化的自由競爭之環境,西部地區開發的動能中,不能單一依賴政府資金,將會逐步走向以引進外資,以及透過市場競爭機制,促使地區的發展更具競爭力。所以本論文藉《中國大陸統計年鑑》、《中國大陸經濟年鑑》,與2000〜2005年西部外商直接投資額、居民平均所得,及中國大陸西部地區主要經濟產業數據資料,以經濟面向角度,探究中國大陸「西部大開發」的經濟發展成果。 主要的研究結果為,「西部大開發」在中國大陸國有資本和優惠政策的推展下,西部省市(除西藏外)外商直接投資總額,每一年均有大幅增加,2005年外商直接投資額比開發前增加2.5倍;西部地區居民所得,也每一年均有成長,2005年生活水平也比開發前提升1.5倍;所以在世界經濟體系市場經濟的導向下,中國大陸政府在西部大開發未來發展上,所扮演的角色要更為靈活、多元化,必須高度以人為本,以富民作為「西部大開發」的根本目標,以科技創新和制度創新作為兩個突破口,因地制宜、分類指導,突出重點、逐步推進,遵循客觀自然規律和市場經濟規律,充分發揮政府和市場的雙重調控作用,透過政府財政資金和市場機制的積極引導,廣泛吸引國內外民間資本參與西部大開發。這樣才能使西部地區的經濟社會能夠獲得持續的快速發展,實現一個經濟繁榮、社會進步、生活安定、民族團結、人民富裕的新西部的目標。


China formally put the socialistic market economy system into practice in 1992. Due to the influence of market transition, China government brought in the market mechanism. As a result, everything is particular about competitiveness, productivity, efficiency, and the control of investment risk. In addition, it also focused on appropriate economic growth rate, the increase of life quality, environmental protection, industrial and economic vitality, proper distribution of resources and capitals, and the rationalization of production and investment. In November 2000, to draw much more investments and speed up the development of the western region, the Chinese State Council proposed the policy of four sides, namely, raising the capital investment, improving of the investment environment, lifting restrictions, and investing human resources. China entered into the World Trade Organization (WTO) on November 11, 2001, and faced the challenges resulted from economic globalization. Therefore, in addition to the capital investment from the Government, the policies on the development of the western region included other factors such as drawing foreign investment, and via the market mechanism, to make the regional development more competitive. Therefore, the present study was aimed to investigate the achievements of the Great Leap West (GLW) policy from the economic perspective by analyzing the data from the China Statistical Year Book and China Economic Year Book, the amount of direct investment at the western region by foreign companies from 2000 to 2005, the average income of the residents in the western region, and the data of the major economic industries at the western region. Results show that due to such benefits as the state capital and preferential policy, the amount of direct investment by foreign companies in the western provinces, except Tibet, does significantly increase every year. For example, at 2005, the amount of direct investment by foreign companies was 2.5 times higher than that before the development. Also, great strides are made in the income of the residents in the western region each year; the living standard, at 2005, was 1.5 times better as well in comparison with that before the development. Therefore, under the guidance of the world economic system, China government must play a more flexible and multiple role in tapping the western region. It also needs to place great emphasis upon human concerns, and the basic goal of the GLW policy should be the enrichment of the residents. To raise the interests of the domestic, foreign non-governmental organizations in tapping the western region, China government needs technology innovation and system innovation as a breakthrough in this policy. Based on the innovations, the authorities should adopt measures suiting local conditions, give guidance to subsets accordingly, seek out key points and make them implemented progressively, follow the objective regular pattern of market economy, make the function of adoption and controlling by the government and market into full play, and make use of the influence of the government capitals and market system. By doing so, the western region is expected to have a stable, lasting economic development. In the long run, it will come to the fulfillment of a prosperous, promising, improving, stable, united, and wealthy western region.


