  • 學位論文


Exploring the Success Factors of Telemarketing for Taiwan Banking Industry

指導教授 : 白滌清
共同指導教授 : 沈景茂(Cheng-Mao Shen)


本研究係以台灣地區的金融產業為研究主體。台灣的金融業者面對競爭激烈的市場,必須不斷地尋求降低成本、提高效率與增進服務品質的方法;電話行銷在各種銷售管道中,是一種能夠直接掌握顧客、進行銷售流程,具備高成本效益的行銷方式,如今電話使用便利,加以金融業擁有廣大客戶群及專業資料處理技術,電話行銷已成為金融產業中最重要直效行銷方式之一。但是金融業產品眾多,每一項產品特性不同,承擔風險不同,如何有效行銷金融商品,台灣金融產業電話行銷關鍵成功因素便是本論文探討之主題。 本研究透過文獻探討歸納出過去研究對於電話行銷關鍵成功因素之看法,再以問卷方式訪問電話行銷人員,並就以下之研究目的展開相關探討(1)探討台灣地區金融產業在推廣不同之消費金融商品時,採用電話行銷的成功關鍵因素。(2)探討電話行銷人員對於過去績效滿意狀況與電話行銷成功關鍵因素之關係。(3)探討不同的金融商品電話行銷關鍵成功因素與其它產品共同行銷之關係。(4)以上研究擬提供予台灣地區金融業者對於未來評估與後續發展之參考與管理實務上之建議,並藉由蒐集相關資料與研究結果,瞭解金融業未來可能發展之方向。 本研究之結論如下: (1) 19項電話行銷關鍵成功因素中,「電話行銷人員的親和力」、「公司形象」與「公司激勵制度」分別佔受訪者所認定之前三名。而該19項電話行銷關鍵成功因素,又可分類為「電話行銷顧客因素」、「電話行銷人員人格特質」與「電話行銷公司組織變數」三大類。 (2) 7種金融商品中,個人存款、放款、信用卡或現金卡、理財商品、外匯商品類之銷售均特別重視「電話行銷人員的親和力」,而除了理財商品外,又特別注重「公司形象」;保險商品與理財商品類較重視「電話行銷人員的專業知識」。 (3) 電話行銷人員在銷售不同金融商品時,其關鍵成功因素係有顯著差異;而滿意或不滿意自己過去工作績效之電話行銷人員,對於關鍵成功因素中「電話行銷顧客因素」並無顯著差異,而對於「電話行銷人員人格特質」與「電話行銷公司組織變數」則有顯著差異。 (4) 7種金融商品中,個人存款+信用卡或現金卡+外匯商品+保險商品等4種金融商品極適合搭配銷售;其中個人放款最不適合搭配其他金融商品銷售;而保險商品最適合搭配銷售 關鍵字:電話行銷、人格特質、組織變數。


This research takes the banking industry in Taiwan as the main body. Facing with the severer competitive market, Taiwanese banking entrepreneurs have continuously search for methods for cost down, efficiency elevation and service quality enhancement. Among all the marketing channels, telemarketing is the one which can directly control the customer, proceed the marketing procedure and equip with high cost efficiency. Currently, the telemarketing is convenient for use, together with the abundant customer groups and professional data process skills in the banking industry, telemarketing has become one of the most important methods of direct marketing. However, the banking products are various with different product character and carried risk. The methods to market banking products efficiently and the key of success in the telemarketing of the banking industry in Taiwan are the theme of the dissertation. The research concludes the previous views of the success upon telemarketing through literature discussion; followed with the questionnaire to interview telemarketing staffs and develop the relevant discussion based on the below research goals (1)Discuss the key element of success of promoting different consumer banking products under the method of telemarketing. (2) Discuss the relation between the satisfaction degree of the previous results of telemarketing staffs and its key element of success. (3)Discuss the relation between the key element of success of telemarketing for different financial products and the co-marketing with other products. (4) The above research is planed to offer the reference and suggestions upon the management practice of the future evaluation and follow-up development for the banking enterprisers in Taiwan area. In addition, it focuses on understanding the possible development direction of the banking industry in the future. The research results are listed as follows: (1) Among the 19 key elements of success in telemarketing, “kindness of the telemarketing staffs”, “company image” and “corporation stimulation system” rank top three of the interviewee’s recognition. As the 19 elements can be divided into 3 categories: “customer element of telemarketing”, “personal character of telemarketing staffs” and “organization variable in Telemarketing Company”. (2) Among the 7 banking products, the marketing of personal deposit, loan, credit card/cash card, banking management products and foreign currency product value “kindness of the telemarketing staffs” in particular, as except the banking management products, “ company image” is also specifically valued. Insurance products and banking management one emphasize on the “professionalism of telemarketing staffs”. (3) There is obvious difference of the key elements of success in marketing banking products for telemarketing staffs; as there is no obvious different of the key elements of success in “customer element of telemarketing” from the telemarketing staffs satisfied or dissatisfied their previous work results, as it influences remarkably in “personal character of telemarketing staffs” and “organization variable in Telemarketing Company”. (4) Among the 7 banking products, personal deposit, credit card/ cash card, foreign currency products and insurance products are very suitable for combined marketing; as the personal loan is the most unsuitable one for combined marketing with other banking products and the insurance product is the most suitable one.


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