  • 學位論文


The Study of the Animal Decoration And Myths of the Bronze Wares During Shang And Zhou Dynasties

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


人類歷史上唯一能與所有人類的重大行為,如:政治、經濟、軍事、宗教、技術及文化,都發生聯繫的只有青銅器這一器物。中國的青銅器不論是在製造還是使用上,都在商周時期到達了「前無古人,後無來者」的鼎盛時期。 青銅器除了是日常生活的用具外,更是奴隸社會裡禮儀典章制度的重要體現者。青銅器的魅力不光在它的外在風采,而在它的深刻內涵,紋飾正是這內涵藝術的主題部分。研究古人這樣「道器並用」的現象,可以一窺當時人們的宗教信仰和生活制度。 中國一直到商周時才開始歷史的記載,所以中國青銅器時代的出現,正是中國有史時代的開始。青銅器上有的沒有銘文,有的僅有短短數字,但是幾乎都有紋飾,所以紋飾在一定的意義上也是一種「語言」,訴說著時代的遞變及文化的發展。 中國青銅器上的動物紋飾,在表象上:由凝重走向輕靈,由繁複走向簡樸,由怪誕走向平易,由神魔的世界走向世俗的世界;在內涵上:由野蠻的奴隸制轉向較為文明的封建制,由盲目原始的神靈、自然崇拜轉向人文精神的自尊、自覺意識。反映出豐富精彩的社會生活內容。 神話是自然現象,是對自然的鬥爭,是社會生活在廣大的藝術中的反映,神話就是基於現實生活而產生的,並不是空想。神話不是歷史,卻可能是歷史的影子,神話更是民族性的反映。 尊崇先人的創造之功,尊重前人的保全之力,就要保護和繼承 好這些文化遺產,讓「子子孫孫永保用」。


青銅器 器型 銘文 動物紋飾 神話


Bronze wares are the only one kind of things that involve in all human’s important activities, such as politics, economics, armies, religions, technologies and cultures. In manufacturing and utilizing of bronze wares, Shang and Zhou Dynasties are undoubtedly at the climax of all the time. Bronze wares are not only everyday utensils but also ceremonial representations. The appearance of the bronze wares is surely a charming attraction, but their inner meanings are much more important. The animal decoration of the bronze wares is exactly to the point of those meanings. Studying that can help us understand the religious believes and living styles of the ancient people. China didn’t have characters until Shang Dynasty while the bronzes wares first showed up. That is, it is the beginning of civilization. Some bronze wares don’t have any inscription, others only have few ones, but almost each of them has animal decoration that works as a language, which describes the development of time and culture. The appearance of the animal decoration has changed from heavy into light, from complex into simple, from strange into common, from immortal into mortal; and the spirit of the animal decoration has changed from blind natural worship into human self-respected conscience, from barbaric slavery into cultivated feudalism. Both the appearance and the spirit reflect the rich life styles of the ancient society. Myths are natural phenomena, the fighting against mother nature, and the reflection of living in a rich art society. They are produced from real lives, not novelties. They are not equal to history, but they are maybe the shadow of history. Myths can also represent the unique characters of a tribe. To worship the success of the original creation of the bronze wares and the hardship of the long-term reservation of the bronze wares, we should make an effort to preserve these cultural relics forever.


Shang Zhou bronze wares shapes inscriptions animal decoration myths


