  • 學位論文


Two-Dimensional Mass Transfer Analysis in Membrane Dialysis Systems by Considering Ultrafiltration Effects

指導教授 : 何啟東


薄膜透析技術的原理乃是應用薄膜兩側溶質的濃度差為驅動力促使溶質通過薄膜,並選擇適當孔徑之薄膜以分離特定的溶質,達到分離純化之效果。目前已大量應用於血液透析、酒精去除及鹽分脫除等分離純化程序。但由於傳統的透析程序中只以濃度差為質傳驅動力,質傳效果有限,故若於操作時在薄膜兩側提供一透膜壓差,可使系統同時產生透析與超過濾之加成作用,有助於提升質傳效率。 本研究主要針對平板型、套管型與中空纖維型三種常見之薄膜透析器作分析,探討超過濾操作對於薄膜透析器質傳的影響,研究目標有三:(1)為利用流線函數並配合擾動法求出薄膜透析併合超過濾操作下,透析相與透餘相的二維徑向與軸向速度分佈;(2)推導出溶質於透析加超過濾操作下,溶質於薄膜內的濃度分佈;(3)建立一套三種薄膜透析器完整且精確的二維質傳數學模型,用以預測溶質於透析相與透餘相之濃度分佈、出口濃度與透析質傳效率。本研究亦同時設計平板型與中空纖維型薄膜透析器實驗,並將其結果與二維理論值作比較。結果顯示二維質傳數學模型具有相當的準確性,且超過濾效應確能有效地增進薄膜透析器的質傳效率。


The effects of ultrafiltration on solute mass transfer in three membrane dialysis systems, say flat-plate module, tubular module and hollow fiber module, are investigated theoretically and experimentally. The mass-transfer efficiency can be enhanced by introducing the ultrafiltration operation into a dialysis system. This is due to the solute that can be transported by diffusion and convection simultaneously. The purposes of this study are firstly to derive the velocity profiles in membrane dialysis systems with ultrafiltration operation by using the stream function and perturbation method, and then to derive the solute concentration distribution in membrane dialysis systems with ultrafiltration operation, and finally to develop the theoretically two-dimensional mass transfer models of the three membrane dialysis systems. The solute concentration profile, average outlet concentration and enhancement of mass-transfer efficiency of the membrane dialysis system coupled with ultrafiltration operation are also discussed. The experiments in flat-plate module and hollow fiber module are performed to confirm the accuracy of the theoretical results.


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