  • 學位論文


The Study of Yangmingshan National Park Sustainable Development :Land Management Viewpoint

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


「國家公園」屬於國際自然保育聯盟心界保護區委員會(IUCN/WCPA)在1998年所擬定的保護區系統之第二類等級,其定義規模為:保護面積相對較大且具有國家級或國際級意義的自然景緻地區,供保護、研究、教育和娛樂之用。我國「國家公園法」,則將其定義為:為保護國家特有之自然風景、野生物及史蹟,並供國民之育樂及研究。   依其定義與目標而言,國家公園所關懷的經營管理課題,主要是如何發揮保育、育樂及研究功能。由於國內尚無明確完整之法規與政策規定,且國內民間經營者對於自然環境的限制缺乏認知,導致國家公園內許多地區受到超限的開發,國內保育團體及遊客對此現象已有怨言﹔此外,各種標榜自然生態體驗的遊程,雖吸引大批人潮趨近觀賞,卻也帶給生物過度干擾,亦讓各專家學者及保育人士深表關切;至於以非法及不當方式進入自然保留區、敏感區域如洞穴、溪流、河川、沙洲、地質保護區等的活動,近年如雨後春筍般地出現,更引發各界團體的抗議與譴責。這些跡象都顯示國內目前的對國家公園之土地管理方式,非但未嘉惠園區內自然資源保育,反而造成生態環境更多危害。   鑒於國內國家公園當今之整體發展計畫在國人引頸企盼下,必須快速地推展具備國際水準之生態保育,因此實有必要儘速從國土管理政策的角度來重擬國家公園經營管理計畫,並積極採取必要管理與防範措施,優先避免讓更多具備優良資源條件的遊憩據點步上過度開發與破壞的後塵。為使陽明山國家公園的土地管理政策能符合永續發展之設立宗旨,必須整合陽明山國家公園自然環境特色和目前執行中的各項土地使用分區管制規則,例如陽明公園位於陽明山國家公園的南側入口(係屬遊四用地),是國家公園重要的門戶象徵,具有豐富的自然與人文資源。隨著時代變遷,民眾對陽明山國家公園之遊憩需求漸增,爰此園區內土地使用的合理性及景觀風貌的管理等均成為首當其衝的課題,故擬配合94年8月8日公告實施之「陽明山國家公園第二次通盤檢討」案,重新檢視園區內土地使用管理之細部計畫,以符合發展現況與未來發展需求,本研究並擬將永續經營管理的觀念融入土地整體管理規劃中,期能提供參訪遊客安全暨高品質的遊憩環境。


“National Park” belongs to the second level in system of protection which was drew up by IUCN/WCAP in 1998. Its scope is defined as「the area is relatively large and have national or international natural scenic resort for protection, research, education and entertainment.」However, its definition in “The National Park Act” of Taiwan is「to protect the natural scenery and wild animals, and provide education, entertainment and research.」Its objection is to protection natural scenery and wild animals, and provide the function of education, entertainment and research. Some areas in National Park are restricted to be developed because there is no clear and definite regulation and policy. The private managers are lack of recognition about the limitation of natural environment. Therefore, protection organizations and tourists reflect lots of complain. Some tours attract tourists but also interfere the organism those conditions are deeply concerned by experts and scholars. In addition, many relatively organizations protest because some private organizations enter the natural reservation inappropriately. These conditions reveal that the way of land management about national parks neither contribute to preserve natural resources, nor protect ecological environments. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the national park management plan in order to overdevelop and destroy these fine entertainment locations. The characteristics of Yangmingshan National Park should be integrated to the regulation about the restraint of land use. Consequently, for the rationality of land uses and management of landscape, the government announces a project to examine the management of land use in Yangmingshan National Park in order to conform to the current and future needs. The study uses the idea of sustainable management into the whole land management to provide safe and qualified entertainment environment.


