  • 學位論文


The Industrial Development of Kaohsiung City-Port Under Cross-Strait Direct Transportation

指導教授 : 張五岳
共同指導教授 : 范志強


一直是台灣的工業重鎮的高雄市,由於本身得天獨厚的地理區位,自日據時代以來即已成為我國重化工業的中心。隨著產業經濟的快速成長,政府全力的將資源投入高雄,除了在高雄成立世界第一個加工出口區外,並在十大建設時期,投資鋼鐵石化廠等大型重工業,讓高雄市的都市建設得到急速發展。加上高雄靠著本身的利基與高雄港、高雄機場等雙港優勢,在當時它已發展成為非常有雄厚工業基礎與城市競爭力的都會區。大量的就業機會也吸引相當多的外來人口在此定區,1979年高雄市的人口更是突破100萬人,升格成為台北以外的地二個直轄市,除了坐穩南台灣的第一大城外,更是持續扮演著南部區域都市中樞的地位。 不過自從1980年代以來,隨著我國經濟成長、國民所得增加、生活水準提升,也造成台幣升值、工資上漲、土地成本提高,這也使得企業經營的環境開始出現變化。高雄地區的傳統產業也因此在1980年後大量的外移,高雄市正式進入產業結構與經濟體系的調整期。雖然政府在這段期間,曾提出「境外航運中心」或是「全球運籌中心」等相關政策,試圖要為景氣日益低迷的高雄地區從新規劃出一套新的戰略佈局。但礙於政治因素,使得兩岸間的直航遲遲無法啟動,綜觀所有的政策成效皆乏善可陳。根本的問題沒辦法解決的同時,在「中心地理論」的效應下,南北地域不平衡發展更是持續的擴大,高雄市的城市及港口競爭更是每況愈下。 本研究是將「兩岸直航」之假設性因素,設定在已實現的前提下,所做的評估報告。研究的重點放在台灣南部最大都會區-高雄市及其港口與周邊地區為主要範圍來預測。面對全球化及國際城市競爭的挑戰下,從新評估高雄地區在直航後對本身的產業結構所產生的影響,並研究高雄地區如何掌握本身的優勢與利基,並克服目前可能的限制。


Owning to its unique geographical position, the southern city of Kaohsiung has always been one of Taiwan’s important industrial strategic centre, stemming back to the Japanese colonial period. Powered by the post war economic boom, the city’s industrial competitiveness grew even more; not only did it achieved the worlds first “Export Processing Zone”,investment on heavy industries steadily grew. These developments improved the city’s infrastructure and growth of the city’s population. By 1979 the city’s population surpassed the one million threshold, and was granted the status of the country’s second municipality, after Taipei; furthermore established herself as the economic stronghold of the south. The economic boom in Taiwan helped to increase the average income and living standard of the city’s citizens however came at the cost of currency growth, and increased work wages, conditions that were unfavorable for these heavy industries to remain competitive. The results were the relocation of majority of these industries in the 1980’s. Although the government proposed strategies to develop Kaohsiung as the “Offshore Shipping Center” and “Global Logistics Center”, to revive the city’s once flourishing economy; the plans were ineffective due to the nature of Taiwanese politics, both internally and cross-strait. Furthermore under the“Center Place Theory”effect, the uneven development between the north and south grew more evident, and the economic competitiveness of the city stagnated . Facing the trend of globalization, and competition from the world’s major cities, Kaohsiung must re-evaluate its role in a globalized economy. This research will suggest “Cross-Strait Direct Transportation ”as a factual situation; to discuss the limitations, and natural advantages of the city and forecast the economic effects of the eventual Cross-strait Direct Transportation.


劉相平,2005。《經濟全球化與兩岸經貿關係》。北京: 社會科學文獻。
李繼宇 周嫦娥 ,2006年5月。<以小搏大再創高峰(二)-三通利弊與政策建議>,《台灣經濟研究月刊》,第29卷第2期。


