  • 學位論文


The Preliminary Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Flapping Micro Aerial Vehicles

指導教授 : 楊龍杰


本研究目的在使微飛行器順利升空並具長時間滯空的能力。第一代飛行器,以微機電製程製作出機翼,結合4連桿傳動系統後可無遙控自主飛行10公尺遠。同時提出以智慧型PVDF-parylene機翼與力規同步擷取升力訊號,作為調校拍翼式飛行器之機構,以達理想空氣動力訊號輸出。 第二代飛行器,為達輕量化要求,機身及機翼骨架改以質輕之巴沙木替代,整體重量已低10.96克,此30公分翼展之第二代飛行器可成功飛行10秒。由於巴沙木於關節處易產生擴孔現象,不利長時間拍翼,無法符合研究需求。 第三代飛行器,持續改良拍翼機構並重新調校,以線切割放電加工(EDWC)技術製作全鋁合金之傳動系統,含驅動馬達重量僅2.32公克,已優於2002年加州理工學院研發微型蝙蝠(Micro Bat)之2.8公克。在拍翼角度方面,首先找出拍翼角度為50.8度時有較大推力表現,透過風洞實驗及實際飛行測試,找出翼前緣以膠帶補強及翼肋配置方式,可大幅提昇升力表現,同時在多種翼膜測試中,找出24 μm PET翼膜非常適合20公分翼展之飛行器使用,機身傾角在20度左右時,最適合長時間滯空飛行。整體微飛行器重量為5.6公克,飛行時間可達98秒,同時具有無初速度手中起飛的能力。經高速攝影機拍攝水平時之狀態,整理得出本微飛行器水平飛行時之電壓為3.1伏特,拍翼頻率為13.6Hz,飛行功率為0.524瓦,及其他相關訊息包括雷諾數、史卓赫數、升力係數等。本微飛行器水平飛行物理量帶入Norberg及Pennycuick理論模型與一般飛行活物比較,本飛行器飛行功率僅需同重量飛行活物之1/3。本研究使用40mAh高分子鋰電池,初步估算可使本微飛行器達9分鐘之久。 最後觀測拍翼時流場變化情形,在不同機身傾角下,觀測到翼前緣渦流、卡門渦街,其隨時間及機身傾角之變化現象,嘗試詮釋本研究飛行器之升推力機制。


This research is to fabricate a flapping micro aerial vehicle (MAV) and with a long-time duration. A variety of materials and processing techniques are used. After combining the flapping wings made of titanium alloy and parylene MEMS film with the four-linkages construction, the 1st generation flapping MAV only flew 5 for 10 meters. In this developing stage, the author also presents smart PVDF-parylene wings to acquire the aerodynamic signals and compares with load-cell simultaneously. This important property helps to design a micro MAV with ideal aerodynamic characteristic. In order to reduce the weight and get a good flight performance, the second generation MAV are made of balsa wood and the total weight are less than 10.96 grams. It can fly more than 40 meters by wireless control. Although the balsa wood is a high strength-to-weight-ratio material, the 3rd rod easily have a big joint reaming in vigorously flapping. This is harmful to long-time flight and advanced research. In the 3rd generation MAV, the author redesigned the mechanism and adopted the aluminum alloy as the material of transmission system. The linkages and gear bases are cut by electrical discharge wire-cutting (EDWC) method. Including the motor, the transmission system only weights 2.32 grams and it is lighter than the 2.8 grams of Micro Bat developed by Caltech. From the wind-tunnel tests, the trroke angle of 50.8 degree is better in thrust, and laying adhesive tape along leading edge can improve lift performance substantially. In various wing skin tests for 20 cm wingspan of flapping MAV, the 24 μm thick PET has advantage of high aerodynamic performance and with low power loss. In addition, setting the angle of attack (AOA) or inclined angle of 20 degree for the flapping MAV is suitable for long-time duration. The fabricated MAV weights 5.6 grams and the flight duration more than 98 seconds. Another feature of the MAV is that it can take off from hand directly without hand throwing for initial velocity. From the record captured by a high speed camera, the analyzed data shows the MAV having flapping frequency of 13.6 Hz of and power of 0.52 watt for forward horizontal flight. Additionally related information like Reynolds number, Strouhal number, and lift coefficient can be also calculated easily. The research also proves that the 40 mAh poly-lithium battery enable the MAV flight up to 9 minutes. Finally, by the flow visualization subject to various AOAs with flapping, the leading edge vortices and Von Kármán vortex street are found and this helps to explain the generation mechanism of lift and thrust respectively.


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