  • 學位論文


The Study of GALILEO Project

指導教授 : 鄒忠科 薩支遠


面對全球化時代更無法預測與複雜的威脅型態,各國權力地位競爭不再侷限於軍事裝備提升,而是專注於資訊取得精確、快慢與多寡與否,他們相信,一國若能掌握比更多、更準確的資訊,便能在政治舞台上處於有利的地位。目前除了以全球為主的美國GPS衛星導航系統(NAVSTAR GPS,Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging Global Positioning System,以下簡稱GPS),各國正積極發展自己的衛星導航系統,包括以單一國家為主的俄羅斯GLONASS衛星導航系統(Global Navigation Satellite System, GNSS)及中國北斗衛星導航系統(Beidou navigation system),但後者涵蓋範圍及影響力不大。簡單來說,發展衛星系統對一國在國際的地位相當重要,身為國際新興勢力的歐洲,在1999年2月10日提出「歐盟伽利略衛星導航系統計畫」( GALILEO Navigation Radio Satellite System Project),GALILEO衛星導航系統預計2013年將開始全面運作。本文主要論述歐盟太空政策,伽利略衛星導航計畫的發展,歐美國衛星系統之討論,並探討2013年系統運作後對歐盟在國際安全維安角色之關係與影響。


In order to face the more complicated and more unpredictable menaces in the age of globalization, the competition of the political power among the countries is not only in armament. Every country pursues the acquirement of information accurately and quickly. They believe, any state with more accurate information can have an advantage place in the international scene. Except GPS, there are a few Global Navigation Satellite Systems in the world, such as GLONASS and Beidou navigation system, but the two latters’ don’t offer the full coverage for this globale society. Therefore, the influence is relatively minor. In one word, the development of a navigation satellite system for a state is important. European Union (EU) brought up GALILEO Satellite Navigation Project February 10th 1999. The GALILEO navigation system will start in 2013. This thesis will discuss the European Space Policy, the development of GALILEO Satellite Navigation Project, the comparison between GPS and GALILEO and its importance for EU. Moreover, after the start of GALILEO system in 2013, how does EU fulfill its responsibility of international security with GALILEO system?


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