  • 學位論文


A study on Japanese food adulteration

指導教授 : 馬耀輝


食品偽裝是指,販賣食材之食品相關業者,虛構食品產地、原材料、甚而將非食用品當成食用品在市面上流通、販售。2007年,日本爆發了一連串的食品偽裝事件,而當中還不乏老字號品牌。事實上,當回顧日本之食品偽裝歷史,1960年就有一起假牛肉罐頭事件,2002年也接二連三地發生食品偽裝事件。讓人不禁想探究,一向以製作嚴謹而享譽國際的日本,其接連發食品偽裝事件之原因。 本論文主要是透過日本食品偽裝事件之分析研究,試圖找出食品偽裝之成因,並提出可能解決之方法。全篇論文共分六章,除序論、結論之外,本論部份為二至五章。第二章食品業界構造之轉變,探討業界構造從食的工業化,爾後進展到食的全球化,食品業者產生何種變化。第三章企業面問題,論述企業以利益至上之背後原因、第四章政府面問題,論述目前食品相關法律及政策的現狀,如何助長食品偽裝行為之發生、第五章消費者問題,探討消費者自身之購物習慣,與食品偽裝成因之相關性。結論之處,主要為論述預防食品偽裝之根本方法,筆者認為應有如下三點。(一) 政府應修正偏向業者考量之心態。(二) 回復食品業者的基本道德。(三) 消除消費者之不安。 截至筆者截稿之前,台灣發生了一起業者在蘿蔔乾中,添加大量工業用防腐劑甲醛(福馬林),以使其長期保鮮的偽裝事件。此起偽裝事件也長達10多年,至今才被舉發,或許發生原因有和日本相似之處。藉由本論文的研究結果,希望能提供給台灣一些不同的思考方向及借鏡。


Food adulteration refers that food-correlated entrepreneurs adulterate the place of origin and raw material, and even treat the non-food as the food to circulate in the markets. In 2007, Japan happened a series of food adulteration events, even many old brands. In fact, when reviewing food adulteration of Japanese history,there happened one fact that the fake beef canned food event in 1960. In 2002,there also happened food adulteration events one after another. Let me interested to discover the reasons of food adulteration of discreet Japan. The thesis mainly analyzes the food adulteration events of Japan, attempting to find the reasons of food adulteration, and proposing the possible solutions. The thesis is divided into six chapters, including the introduction,four chapters of main text,and the conclusion.The second chapter, the transformation of food industry, it discusses the structure from the food industrialization to the food globalization, thus resulting what kind of change in food enterprise. The third chapter, the problems of food enterprise, discusses the reasons behind the food enterprise’s interest.The fourth chapter, the problem of government field, expounds the legal and regulation of food,and how this encourages food adulteration. The fifth chapter,the problem of consumers, discusses the relationship between the consumers’ own shopping habits and the food adulteration. The conclusion mainly analyzes the method of preventing food adulteration. Author considers there should be three reasons: (1) Government should revise its bias view toward to the food enterprise. (2) Recovering food entrepreneur's basic morals. (3) To reduce disquiet of consumers. Up to author’s deadline, there happened that the plenty of industrial antiseptic formaldehyde (formalin) has been added in the dried radish to prolong maintenance period. This event has existed for more than 10 years until now. Perhaps there has the similar reason to that of Japanese. By the study on Japanese food adulteration, hopes to provide some different thoughts to Taiwan.


3. 鍾智慧(2006)<如何吃得安心與健康? 台灣, 日本與美國食品安全管理>,《品質月刊》,第四十二期,頁30-33。
一 日文部份
1. 増尾清(2001) 『改正JAS法で変わった 食品表示の見方•生かし方』農文協


