  • 學位論文


A Study of Atypical Brand Extension on Perceived Value

指導教授 : 李月華


品牌延伸發展至今在學術上已有許多的貢獻並且在實務上也一直不斷的被運用。在學術上最重要的結論為當原品牌與計劃延伸的相似性和配合度愈高,則延伸成功的可能性較高,此種常見的品牌延伸即為典型品牌延伸。但對於企業而言,建立品牌是相當困難以及高風險,當企業欲跨足相似性較低的產品類別時是否可運用以建立的品牌。因此當原品牌延伸至相似性低的產品類別時即為非典型品牌延伸。對於非典型品牌延伸而言,並非所有品牌皆能運用品牌延伸,若原品牌知覺品質太低則延伸的成效將不會太好;但對於高品質品牌而言,強烈的品牌核心價值使否影響非典型延伸的成效?因此誘發本研究動機。本研究將會利用直接延伸、序列性延伸、複合延伸,此三種不同的品牌延伸方式並納入原品牌的知覺品質,針對非典型品牌延伸進行探討。 本研究主要探討在非典型品牌延伸下,品牌延伸方式及原品牌知覺品質對延伸新產品知覺價值的影響。本研究應用實驗設計來檢定假說,為3 (品牌延伸方式) x 2 (原品牌知覺品質) 的實驗,有240位受測者參與本實驗。研究顯示消費者對於非典型延伸新產品的知覺價值,均受到品牌延伸方式與原品牌知覺品質的影響,且品牌延伸方式的效果大於原品牌知覺品質。研究結果可提供廠商做為非典型品牌延伸時的參考。


The brand extension in development so far was a lot of contributions to academy and application on the practice all the time. The most important of conclusion on academy is that core brand more similar and fitter with proposed extension which probability of successful extension was higher. So, common brand extension is typical brand extension. But for company, it is quite difficult and high risk to build a brand. When company want to dabble at product categories which dissimilar with core products if use built brand. So, it is atypical brand extension when core brand extend to dissimilar product categories. For typical brand extension, not all brands can use brand extension if perceived quality of core brand is too low to a bad extension; For high quality brand, the strong brand core values do affect the atypical extension result? So it is causing the research motive. The research will use three extension ways included direct brand extension, sequential brand extension, composite brand extension and join the perceived quality of core brand to confer atypical brand extension. The research of atypical brand extension, focus on brand extension ways and perceived quality of core brand to affect perceived value of new extension product. An experimental research design was applied for testing the set of hypotheses put forth. It is a 3 (brand extension ways) x 2 (perceived quality of core brand, high vs. average) experiment, a total of 240 respondents participated in the study. The study indicates brand extension ways and perceived quality of core brand will affect perceived value new extension product to consumers, brand extension ways more effective than perceived quality of core brand. When company implement atypical brand extension in accordance with the study conclusion.


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