  • 學位論文


Zhang Yuanji's management and administration to the Commercial Press

指導教授 : 陳仕華


本文的研究要旨是張元濟經營商務印書館時所作出的貢獻,並從中分析出張元濟之經營理念、方法與實踐成果。 商務印書館成立於1897年,起初只是一間承印廣告傳單的印刷廠。直到張元濟加入商務印書館之後,商務印書館才逐漸轉型邁向現代出版機構之路,並進而成為民國初年,中國最重要的出版重鎮。 歷來以張元濟之事業為主題之研究論著,多側重於其在版本目錄學上之成就,少有論及其在經營與管理商務印書館時之努力與影響。本文的目的便在透過研究其書信、日記、年譜,分析張元濟在主持商務印書館時,是如何將商務印書館經營成為一間在當時首屈一指的出版機構。此外,張元濟在主持商務印書館任內,個人挹注心力於整理輯印古籍的工作,而這也是張元濟個人投入最多心血的工作。因此本文亦嘗試從編輯緣起、選書、選定版本、校勘、編輯等過程,勾勒出張元濟在整理輯印古籍所作出的努力與貢獻。 全文凡六章。第一章〈緒論〉,分述本文之研究動機、文獻回顧、資料蒐集與章節規劃。第二章〈襄助張元濟經營商務印書館之友人〉,本章內容擬在張元濟之眾友朋中選取高鳳池、孫毓修、傅增湘、劉承幹、胡適等五人,本章僅以此五人為例,探究張元濟之友人在經營商務印書館一事上對張元濟之助益。,而在其書信中所透露出有關出版經營與管理之理念與想法,亦為本章探究之重點。第三章〈張元濟經營商務印書館之理念與方法〉,探討張元濟如何以編輯出版教科書為起點,為商務印書館之營運奠定紮實的基礎,以及張元濟在敦聘人才、訪購古籍、開拓出版方向、引進新式工具與技術、擬訂規章、擴充組織部門等方面的努力成果。第四章〈張元濟經營商務印書館之實踐成果:以整理輯印古籍叢書為例〉,本章敘述張元濟整理輯印與出版行銷古籍叢書之過程與成果。第五章為〈結論〉。


The keynote of this research is to study the contributions Yuanji Zhang made in management and administration and publication while presiding over the Commercial Press (especially focus on Zhang Yuanji's achievements in compiling and printing the ancient book series) ,and analyse his philosophy in management and administration and publishing,etc. The Commercial Press was established in 1897, is originally only that one bears the printing factory which prints the handbill. It was not until Zhang Yuanji joined the Commercial Press that the Commercial Press started to transform and grow gradually into a modernized publishing company, and moreover, became the most important publisher in the early years of China.Many researchers who studied Zhang Yuanji were prone to focus on his achievement in editing bibliography, few discussed on how he devoted his efforts to manage and influence the Commercial Press. Thus, this paper would try to fill this gap by studying Zhang’s correspondence with friends, his diary, and his personal chronicle, so as to analyze how Zhang Yuanji ran the Commercial Press, and how he grew it into a leading publishing organization at that time. In addition, during his presidency at the Commercial Press, Zhang Yuanji dedicated himself to compiling the ancient books, a task consuming the most of his life. Therefore, this paper would also try to depict how hard a process Zhang Yuanji went through by initiating the campaign, selecting the books, choosing their editions, collating and editing them. Thus, readers can see how much devotion and contribution that Zhang Yuanji has made in compiling the ancient books.


翰林從商:張元濟的資源與實踐(1892-1926) 孫慧敏 思與言 第43卷第3期(2005年9月)頁15-52
傅增湘與《四部叢刊》 趙惠芬 東海大學圖書館館訓 新52期 2006年1月 頁20-34
二十四史版本研究 趙惠芬 臺北 中國文化大學中國文學研究所博士論文 2001年12月
