  • 學位論文


The Design and Implementation of File Transfer Smooth Session Migration in Instant Messaging through XMPP

指導教授 : 周清江


隨著網際網路的興起,各式各樣的網路服務如雨後春筍般出現,其中即時通訊在許多人的日常生活中已扮演舉足輕重的角色。目前市場上存在著多樣化的即時通訊軟體,通訊協定各異,但對於議程交遞(Session Migration)的支援都不完善,使用者對於已進行一段時間、但由於各種原因而無法繼續的議程,必須忍痛放棄,重起另一議程,此問題在多人間之檔案傳輸時尤為明顯,不但造成使用者不便,而且浪費許多網路資源。本研究分析目前即時通訊中之檔案傳輸議程交遞相關問題,並以XMPP為基礎協定,設計與實作一套具備平順議程交遞的檔案傳輸系統SSMF(Smooth Session Migration in File Transfer)。我們提出的系統,讓使用者能夠一次傳遞多個檔案給不同的使用者,且在議程中斷之後,下次上線時能繼續原議程,不需要重新傳送已經傳送過的檔案片段,達到議程間的平順交遞,增進使用者的使用經驗。我們透過實驗驗證本篇所提SSMF服務之可用性與效能,且不論在一對一或一對多的檔案傳輸時,均提供檔案傳輸議程平順交遞服務。


即時通訊 XMPP 檔案傳輸 議程交遞


Along with the growing of the Internet, new network services emerge rapidly. Among them, instant messaging has played an important role in people’s daily lives. Existing instant messaging systems use diversifying protocols. These instant messaging protocols do not support session migration properly. When users could not finish an ongoing session, for whatever reasons, they have to abort the session. This problem is especially obvious during sessions of multi-user file transfer. It not only causes user’s inconvenience, but also wastes many network resources. We first analyze the session migration problem and requirement of file transfer in instant messaging. We then design and implement a file transfer system supporting smooth session migration (SSMF) based on XMPP. The proposed system also could be applied to transmit files to multi-users simultaneously. To continue an interrupted session, users do not need to transfer those already transmitted file segments. Thus the system achieves the smooth session migration and improves the user experience. Our experiments confirm that our SSMF service is useful and has good performance. It provides smooth session migration, both in one-to-one and one-to-many file transfers.


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