  • 學位論文


China's Overseas Chinese Affairs Policies since Reformation and Opening up

指導教授 : 趙春山


1978 年中共十一屆三中全會決議,將黨和國家的工作重點從「以階級鬥爭為綱」轉移 到「以經濟建設為中心」,開啟了中共改革開放的時代。在配合黨和國家的總體戰略目 標,中共僑務政策重新調整方向,希冀海外華僑、華人為促進中共現代化建設、實現中 國統一和增進中共與住在國友好關係,發揮積極力量。 中共改革開放以來,歷任領導人皆高度重視僑務工作,並將僑務工作作為黨和國家 一項長期的戰略性工作。鄧小平認為海外華僑、華人是中國大發展的獨特機遇,提出「獨 特機遇論」、「團結振興論」的僑務工作指導思想,並認為「海外關係」可以打開各方面 的關係,將「海外關係」重新界定為「好東西論」,藉此展開中共僑務工作。江澤民時 期則認為海外華僑、華人是中共現代化建設「獨特優勢」和「寶貴資源」,提出「走出 去」的戰略,進一步深化中共對外開放政策。胡錦濤就任以來,提出僑務工作三個大有 作為,以實現黨和國家的三大任務為其工作目標。隨著中共經濟增強,綜合國力提升及 國際地位提高,「中國威脅論」甚囂塵上,中共提出構建「和諧世界」的觀點,從而提 出「和諧外交」、「和諧僑社」的主張,以營造一個和平有利的國際環境,俾利於中共經 濟的發展。 本文研究架構首先探討中共改革開放以來僑務政策形成的原因,其次,分析中共改 革開放以來僑務政策的具體作為。再其次,分析中共改革開放以來僑務政策`的實行在 經濟、政治、外交與文教方面所產生的影響,最後,總結分析本文研究內容,歸納出中 共改革開放以來僑務政策的特點,並對中共僑務政策未來之走向做一推論分析。 本文研究分析結果,中共改革開放以來,僑務政策採取靈活、彈性的手法,並以經 濟目的為主結合多元性、多面向的策略,在經濟、政治、外交和文教方面,均產生相當 作用,而這些影響作用,也將牽引著中共僑務政策未來之發展。


In its Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee held in 1978, Chinese Communist Party made a resolution, which transferred the party and national original focus from“highlighting class struggle”to“concentrating on economic construction.”This unprecedented decision initiated a reformative and open epoch of Mainland China. In order to correspond with the Party's general strategic goal, the national overseas Chinese affairs policies were re-adjusted, anticipating the overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese to be actively functional in advancing national modern construction, realizing Chinese reunification, and developing international friendship with the other nations. Since China's reformation and opening up, all of its leaders in the national pedigree had highly emphasized overseas Chinese affairs and regarded them as its long-term strategic project. Deng Xiaoping recognized the existence of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese as a particular chance for China's further development, offering overseas affairs guidelines such as“Theory of Particular Chance”and Theory of Unification as Revival.”He also presumed that“overseas relationship”could open the positive contacts with the others, re-identified the relationship as a“Good Thing,”and thus carried out China's task for overseas Chinese affairs. Under the sovereignty of Jiang Zemin, the overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese were deemed the“particular vantage”and“precious resource”in the aspect of China's modern construction. The tactic of “expansion”was then rendered to deepen the national opening up. Since his reign, Hu Jintao had addressed three Promising Actions, aiming to realize the Party’s (also national) three main missions. With the country's growing economic influence, plus the elevation of its national power and international status,“The Theory of China as a Threat”was widely reported and considered. The nation, nevertheless, first offered the idealist viewpoint of constructing a “harmonious world” and then “harmonious diplomacy”and “harmonious overseas Chinese group,”which aimed to maintain a peaceful and profitable international environment and eventually became helpful for national economic growth. This study first investigates the factors of the formation of China’s overseas Chinese affairs policies after its reformation and opening up, and then analyzes the specific practices of the policies during the period. In addition, the influences generated by the implementation of these policies in the aspects of economics, politics, diplomacy, and culture and education are analyzed. Eventually, through summarily analyzing the content of this study, the features of China's overseas affairs policies since its reformation and opening up are induced, and the future direction of China is inferred and analyzed. This thesis gives out a conclusion that China's reformation and opening up make its overseas Chinese affairs policies more flexible and elastic, and they also focus on the combination of economic purposes and pluralistic, manifold strategies. The new practices have engendered quite a few influences in economics, politics, diplomacy, and culture and education, which will guide the future development of China’s overseas Chinese affairs policies.


丁樹範 主編,胡錦濤時代的挑戰(台北:新新聞文化事業股份有限公司,2002 年12 月)。
王賡武 著,中國與海外華人(香港:商務印書館,1994 年1 月)。
馬繼森 著,外交部文革紀實(香港:中文大學出版,2003 年)。


