  • 學位論文


A Study of Wu Ning Defense Command in Tang Dynasty

指導教授 : 何永成


徐州地區自古便是軍事重地,隋代建立後,隨著運河的開發,徐州地區因位處運河與淮河的交通樞紐,故地位大為提昇;入唐後,特別在玄宗天寶十四年(755)安史之亂爆發後,徐州的固守成為一個重要的關鍵。德宗貞元四年(788)於徐州設立節度,貞元十六年(800)廢節,順宗永貞元年(805)再度建節,並賜名「武寧」。張愔成為第一任武寧節度使,領徐、泗、濠三州,憲宗元和四年(809)增領宿州。隨後領地雖屢有增減,但大致以徐、泗、濠、宿四州為範圍。 武寧鎮建節後,由於轄區與淮西與淄青兩鎮接壤,故一直是唐中央積極努力穩固的地區,但在穆宗長慶二年(822)王智興以武力得到武寧節度使後,徐州自此進入不被朝廷完全掌控時期,特別是在文宗大和六年(832)年王智興離職後,從832到862這三十年間,武寧地區共發生三次武力驅逐節度事件,與同時期的鄰鎮宣武、淮南相比,頻率非常高。朝廷對它們驅逐藩鎮的變亂屢次採取姑息的態度,直到懿宗咸通三年(862)王式擔任節度使後,他到任後,幾乎殺盡了武寧的軍人,朝廷遂順勢廢除武寧,僅留將士三千人鎮守於徐州鎮守,其餘的分屬兗海及宿州。 武寧被廢節後,許多軍人多成為草寇,並與江淮私鹽盜賊結合,造成當時嚴重的社會事件,又因當時的西南邊患問題,導致防守西南的徐州兵叛變,在咸通九年(868)發生叛變,攻入徐州,且與前述群體相糾結,史稱「龐勛之亂」。雖然動亂僅為時一年即告平息,但朝廷為此卻動員了大批的軍力,甚至求助於外族沙陀。龐勛亂平後,有鑑於廢節鎮後兵員的不足,朝廷決定重新在徐州立節,定名「感化」,很明顯的就是希望此地能夠受朝廷之感化,成為中央的助力。但此後唐室自顧不暇,雖徐州軍士仍以武力的方式驅逐節度使或擅據一方,唐中央實以無力再顧及此一地區之局勢。 唐中央對感化軍的控制力在昭宗景福元年(892)完全瓦解,其原因就在於徐州為宣武節度使朱全忠所奪取,自此直到唐被朱全忠於哀帝天祐四年(907)所篡,徐州一直為朱全忠所控。 本文著重於貞元四年到天祐四年間徐州地區與朝廷的關係,特別在武寧建節後,官員為何會被派遣到徐州擔任節度使,以及武寧在唐中葉後的歷史地位。此外,武寧鎮為何會是中原地區的藩鎮中,被朝廷視為最難以控制的節鎮;武寧軍人屢次驅逐節度使的原因又是為何,這都是本文中所要討論的。


武寧 徐州 運河 軍亂 中原防禦型


Xuzhou region has been an important military strategic point since long time ago, after the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, with the construction of the canal, the position of Xuzhou was getting more important due to becoming a transport hub of the canal and the Huaihe River. By Entering Tang Dynasty, especially after Rebellion of An Lu-shan and Shih Sze-ming in 755 years, Defending Xuzhou had become an significant key to avoid incasions. In 788 years, Defense Command was established in Xuzhou, and cancelled in 800 year. In 805 years, Defense Command was established once again and granted as “Wu Ning”. Chang Yin was the first Wu Ning Supply Commissioner. The Supply Commissioner dominated Xuzhou, Sizhou, and Hauzhou. From 809 years, Suzhou was also dominated. After that, there were several additions and deletions of the territory, however, the ambit was approximately in these four regions mentioned above. After the establishment of Defense Command in Wu Ning, it had been the region that the Tang authorities enthusiastically worked hard to secure due to it was bounded by Huai Shi and Tzu Ching. Nevertheless, in 822 years, after Wang Chih Hsing acquired the Wu Ning Supply Commissioner by armed force, Xuzhou, from that on, was no longer dominated by the authorities, particularly the three decades from 832 to 862 years after Wang Chih Hsing left he’s position, the Supply Commissioners had been banished by armed force for three times, it is highly more frequent comparing to Shiuan Wu and Huai Nan in the same period. The authorities over-tolerated the armed rebellion of Supply Commissioner until 862 years; Wang Shih was nominated as the new Supply Commissioner. He murdered all the soldiers in Wu Ning after he arrived and the authorities made use of this opportunity to abolish Wu Ning Defense Command and left only three thousand soldiers guarding Xuzhou, and the rest belong to Yen Hai and Suzhou. After the abolishment of Wu Ning Defense Command, Many former soldiers became bandits and allied with the salt thieves in Jiang Huai region. These people brought about serious social issues. Meanwhile, the trouble on the frontier in the southwest border resulted in the betrayal of the soldiers guarded in Xuzhou. The gangsters got together and captured Xuzhou in 868 years, known as ”Rebellion of Pang Shiun”. The rebellion was put down after one year, though the authorities mobilized a large number of armed forces, even resorted outside clan, Shatuo. After putting down Rebellion of Pang Shiun, the authorities saw that the lack of military forces due to abolishment of Defense Command, they decided to establish Defense Command again in Xuzhou and granted as “Gan Hua”. It is obvious that the Defense Command was wished to be inspired by the authorities and to become an auxiliary. But hereafter, the Tang authorities was busy enough with it’s own affairs, although the soldiers in Xuzhou was still using armed forces to banish Supply Commissioner, the Tang authorities was no longer able to take care of the situation in this region. The control of Tang authorities to the military force in Gan Hua was completely collapsed in 892 years. The reason was that Ju Chiuan Jung, the Xuan Wu Supply Commissioner, acquired Xuzhou by armed forces. Since then until Tang Dynasty was usurped by Ju Chiuan Jung, Xuzhou was dominated by Ju Chiuan Jung all the times. This thesis emphasized on describing the relationship between Xuzhou region and the authorities, especially after the establishment of Wu Ning Defense Command, Why was an official sent to Xuzhou as a Supply Commissioner? And how was the historical position of Wu Ning after Mid Tang Dynasty? Besides, Why was Wu Ning Defense Command the most difficult Defense Command to be controlled by the authorities of all the Defense Command in Central China? Why the military forces banished the Supply Commissioners for several times? These were all discussed in this thesis.





