  • 學位論文


A study on program strategies and spoken language skills of Taiwanese financial channels

指導教授 : 吳怡國


現今投資風氣日漸甚行,投顧節目就如雨後春筍般的崛起。一般投資人通常都是透過電視螢光幕認識投顧分析師,只注重驚人的操作績效,卻忽略了投顧節目中的策略與分析師的口語手法。因此本研究將針對投顧節目內容觀察與研究,將焦點置於投顧節目的內容策略以及節目策略內外部因素的對投顧節目的影響,並且探討分析師於節目中呈現的口語技巧的種類有哪些,希望進一步的找出投顧節目內容策略與分析師的口語手法。供閱聽眾看待投顧節目的新收視角度。 本研究以關尚仁、Lewis及Sherman所提出的影響節目策略的內外部因素,並涵蓋J.Parry-Giles所提及的電視視覺概念來探討以及電視口語傳播來對投顧節目分析師的口語手法進行解析。本研究透過文本分析的方式找出投顧分析師於節目上所呈現的口語手法,將其整理歸納之,再利用深度訪談的方式,來整理出現今台灣投顧節目的節目內容策略與呈現。 經由研究結果發現,就節目內外部因素來說,無論是內部因素中的財務預算、節目選擇以及節目促銷,還是外部因素中的受眾特質、市場要素、競爭對手以及政府法規限制,對於投顧節目在安排節目策略時,種種的內外部因素都要進行考量,才能將投顧節目主要的目的發揮的淋漓盡致,那就是招會員,收會費。而節目視覺上的種種要素,節目背景、側標名稱、字卡圖卡、服裝設計,再搭配著戲劇化的呈現方式,會使得投顧節目不會過於呆板,也更能使得閱聽眾手上的遙控器,能夠定頻在該投顧節目上,間接的也提升了閱聽眾參加該分析師會員的機率。就投顧節目呈現上,投顧分析師歸類為四種類型:知識型、消息型、占卜型以及先知型。每一種節目手法都有其愛好者,這樣也再再的呼應了目標閱聽眾確立的重要性。   最後本研究也針對投顧節目的口語手法發現,投顧節目中會呈現重複技巧、隱喻技巧、轉喻技巧以及心理情感技巧等四種口語手法。此四種手法都有其涵義存在,以吸引閱聽眾的目光。而最後投顧分析師於節目上的口語策略與手法,目的是給予收視投顧節目的閱聽眾有一個參考性的方向。


投顧 節目策略 口語 電視節目


Based on the internal & external programs strategies developed by Guan Shang Ren(關尚仁), Lewis, and Sherman and through the method of text analysis, this research examines the content strategies and the colloquialism skills of the investment analysts in financial TV programs. Also, the techniques of TV visual styles and skills of colloquialism of the investment analysts are carefully discussed. The research hopes to find out how the investment analysts present themselves on the TV programs through program content analysis and in-depth interviews.. The result shows that the internal and external factors including the financial budget factor, program selection and market promotion, or audience characteristics, market competitors, and government legal issues all carry significant influences on program strategies. These factors are all taken into consideration so that the investment analysts program could be more inductive to their audiences. That is, to recruit members and gather membership fee. Also the program visual’s factors such as the program background, sub headline and words, graphic cards, or even clothes design all play important roles in their presentation in order to attract more member audiences. These factors could also increase the probability of future potential audiences to join the analyst’s membership. The research also finds out the display of four types of colloquialism skills---repeating, metaphoric, beat around the bush, and psychological or emotional. Each of them has its unique meaning to attract audiences’ eyes. In conclusion, four types of classification in terms of their presentation styles are identified through the analyses. These are knowledge type, information type, augury type, prophet type. Each type demonstrates special attractions to its own followers.


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