  • 學位論文


A Study on Social Phenomena of Feminine Issues in Li-Ang's Novels

指導教授 : 呂正惠


在台灣文壇中,李昂因其強烈的問題意識,特殊的寫作風格,甚至是鮮明的政治立場,而引發了持續不斷的爭議。四十多年來,李昂走過了不少風雨,然終究還是在毀譽參半的評論聲中,通過了時間的考驗,建立起自己的文學地位。 在李昂的小說裡,無論其再怎麼反骨地製造驚世駭俗的言論與情節,皆是為了指向同一個目的—為女性發聲,然而在女性關懷中,李昂卻選擇以負面書寫的方式,來呈現女性於父權社會結構下所遭受的困境,亦是因此,使李昂的小說處處充滿了黑暗的氛圍及權力的爭戰,其大膽揭露的情欲誘引,帶來的不只是春色之蓬然,更甚的,是其背後的文化根源與立基。 本論文將李昂小說分為三大主題,分別是傳統父權、資本主義、政治權力與女性之間的關係。第二章<傳統社會的壓迫與桎梏>就「父權社會對女性的『性禁錮』」一節,來討論社會對「處女情結」的闡述與批判,以及對女性「婚前性行為」的嚴厲禁止所造就的悲劇;而第二節「道德的『假面』」所探討的則是父權社會如何利用流言蜚語和民間傳說來鉗制女性的身體。   第三章<資本主義與父權文化的勾結>,共分成三個部分,第一部分「<殺夫>中『以性換食』的原始交易模式」,李昂藉林市殺夫此一激烈的案例,來探究傳統社會中女性「以性換食」的共同命運;而第二部分「<暗夜>中都會男女的另類交易」則將場景自傳統鄉村轉移至現代都會,然可悲的是,女性受男性擺弄的事實並未因時空的更迭而有所改變;第三部分「《迷園》中的情愛狩獵與商場文化」則討論朱影紅與林西庚之間的互動,以及娼妓如何物化自己來取悅男人,以獲取在父權社會下的生存權。   第四章<政治與女體的極致糾纏>分為四小節,各討論不同的主題。第一節「台灣�女人的雙重貶抑與隱喻」藉由<蘇菲亞小姐的故事>來探究台灣女人的自我雙重貶抑,並藉由《迷園》和《自傳の小說》來探討「台灣」與「女人」之間的關聯和喻意;第二節「『國母』�『遺孀』光環下的情欲翻湧」展現出當女性自政治受難者的丈夫背後走至幕前,必然被迫守貞來成全黨國形象,以致情欲飽受壓抑的艱辛過程;第三節「進入男權中心的代價」則論述<北港香爐人人插>中的林麗姿與《自傳の小說》中的謝雪紅如何利用女體來向男性奪權;第四節「彩妝背後的悲情面容」論究的則是<彩妝血祭>裡王媽媽的執著與釋懷,以及彩妝於二二八事件的喻意。   汲汲營營走過四十個年頭,李昂以自己的筆記錄著台灣的歷史足跡,在字裡行間埋藏著對女性議題的探討與用心,雖因情欲書寫而引來爭議,然先不論其於台灣文學史上的定位將會如何,如此的用心便已值得探究。


李昂 女性 傳統 經濟 政治 權力


In Taiwan literary circles, Li-Ang, a controversial writer with strong awareness of issues, special writing style, and even strong political tendency, continuously causes a lot of disputes. Over forty years, she faces reviews of both praises and criticisms, passes through the challenges of time and has a place in literary circles.   All of Li-Ang’s novels point to one purpose –“Speaks out for feminine”, no matter how revoltingly forbidden subjects or taboos were brought up. She is concerned about feminine; nevertheless, she chooses to write her novels from a negative angle to present the distress of females in the patriarchy society. Therefore, the atmosphere of darkness and conflicts of power can be found in Li’s novel. The bold descriptions of sexual relationship and sex scene, portrait not only the carnal desires and lust, but the cultural sources.   In this thesis, the novels of Li-Ang are divided into three major themes: traditional patriarchy, capitalism, and political power concerning feminine. The section: “Impression of sex of females in patriarchy society”, the discussion of elaboration and criticism of virgin complex and the tragedy of forbidden of premarital sex is presented, which is in chapter 2: “The oppression and shackles of traditional society” of this thesis. The second section of chapter 2 presents how the bodies of women are caged by the rumor and folk legend in patriarchy society.   There are three parts in chapter 3: “the collaboration of capitalism and patriarchy culture”. In “The Butcher's Wife”, writer explores the fate of women, which uses sex in exchange for food, in traditional society by the thrilling case of the butcher’s wife kills her husband. In the second part: “dark nights: the special exchange of people in city”, the discussion of women in modern time dominated by men is elaborated. The third part “Misty courtyard: the love hunting and business culture” shows that woman using her body to gain power in patriarchy society.   Chapter 4: “The tangle of politics and women bodies” is divided into four sections. The first section: “The debasement and metaphor of Taiwan and women” discusses the novels: “Story of Miss Sophia”, “Misty courtyard”, and “Autobiography: a novel”, which elaborate the women in Taiwan is debased in both internationally and sexually. The second section: “the widow: the oppressed lust in the name of glory”, shows the women, whose husbands are victims of political repression, have to defend their chastity to keep the image of opposition party. The third part: “The price to enter the patriarchy power center” expounds the female characters using their bodies to trade for the power from men in novel: “Everyone puts their incense sticks in the Pehkang incense burner” and “Autobiography: a novel”. The last section: “The sadness behind the makeup face” discusses the metaphor of cosmetics and “the 228 Massacre”.   Li-Ang takes down the history of Taiwan by her novels throughout forty years. The exploration of feminine issues can be found by reading between the lines. Although the writing style, which is highly related sex, is disputed. The intention of Li-Ang is worthy of studying, despite of her position in the literary history in Taiwan.


Li-Ang feminine tradition economy politics power


10.王清瀅,<從迷夢中醒來,再由清醒中入夢:「迷園」中瀕臨消失 的台灣女性主體>,《中外文學》第28卷第2期,1999.07,頁80-91。
