  • 學位論文


Strategy Analysis of Internet IPv4 Address Exhaustion

指導教授 : 李鴻璋


1991年網際網路商業化後,出現大量的網際網路服務業者開始提供各類型的加值服務。大量終端及3G、WiMAX通訊設備陸續加入網際網路,其對網路成幾何級數成長的需求,使得網際網路網址竭盡的問題已浮現檯面。 以IANA資料顯示2009年初實際可供分配的IPv4網址空間只剩下12%,IPv4網址將在不久的未來消耗已為不爭的事實。Geoff Huston觀察BGP路由表及過去3年的網址分配趨勢,預測IPv4網址空間將在2年後消耗殆盡;若加上預期的效應,網址空間耗盡時程將相對提前。 本研究將概述IPv4網址空間目前分配的狀態、網際網路面臨的問題、追蹤亞太網路資訊中心(APNIC)對網址耗盡問題之準備情況及網址竭盡帶來的影響,提出因應網址竭盡之對策,並以網路管理、使用者、延續性、成本、爭議性、可行性和延續效益性等面向來綜合評估每項政策。最後,提出對台灣網際網路耗盡的建議,以確保IPv4網址資源枯竭時仍然能夠平穩地運作及使用網際網路。


IPv4網址竭盡 IPv6 NAT NAPT


After the commercial interests in 1991, a large number of Internet service providers started to provide various types of value-added services, and a large number of terminals and 3G, WiMAX communications equipment add to Internet, its geometric growth of the network, IPv4 address space exhaustion issue is more attention. According to IANA's information, only 12% of the total IPv4 address space remains unallocated in 2009. Geoff Huston observe BGP routing table and the trends of the allocated address over the past 3 years, if current trends continue, projections expect the free pool of unallocated IPv4 address space will run out in the 2 years. For the desired effect, address space exhausted relatively early time. This paper will provide an overview of the current IPv4 allocation of IPv4 address space, the problems of the Internet, tracing the Asia-Pacific Network Information Center with issues of readiness and the impact of IPv4 address space exhaustion. Proposing the strategy of Internet IPv4 address exhaustion and suggesting Taiwan the exhaustion issue. Utilizing the network management, user, continuity, cost, controversy, feasibility, effectiveness of sustainability to assessment of each policy comprehensively. Understanding that the impact of IPv4 address depletion in Taiwan. To ensure that smooth operation and use of the Internet when the depletion of IPv4 resources.


IPv4 Address Exhaustion IPv6 NAT NAPT


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[23] William Lehr, Tom Vest, Eliot Lear, “Running on Empty: The Challenge of Managing Internet Addresses,” 36th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (TPRC), September 2008. URL:eyeconomics.com/backstage/References_files/Lehr-Vest-Lear-TPRC2008-080915.pdf
