  • 學位論文


Adopting Ontology and Reasoning on Logistic – based on EPC Standard

指導教授 : 劉艾華


隨著資訊科技的進步,RFID產業更是蓬勃發展,其應用於物流作業之比率也日益提升,WalMart、Metro、Tesco等國際性零售商更率先導入RFID技術,並以EPC (Electronic Product Code) 編碼做為物流作業中棧板與物流箱之識別碼以輔助於物流作業中資訊之整合性,但伴隨著企業組織規模日益增加,物流中複雜與繁複的作業,可能使企業因人為疏忽而造成莫大的損失。因而本研究欲以EPC 標準應用於物流領域為對象,透過建立其本體論以達成語意間資訊整合之目的,針對物流領域中不易察覺或是領域專家所提出之問題,採用專家系統發展語言Jess (Java Expert System Shell)撰寫規則,讓機器能理解資料之涵義進而進行推論,以檢視物流作業中可能因作業上之疏忽而導致資料錯誤之情形,減少企業因資料錯誤而所投入檢查作業的時間、人力與成本,進而提升物流整體之效率。


本體論 Jess 自動推論 Logistics EPC


After fast development, RFID technology is now being widely adopted, especially in logistic. International retailers, such as WalMart, Metro and Tesco, lead in adopting RFID technology and commonly employ EPC (Electronic Product Code) as the identifier of objects such as logistic pallets and containers to assist in integrating the information produced by logistic operations. However, the complicated logistic procedure can still embed hidden errors caused by operational overlook or human negligence. Specifically handling these unusual errors requires extra efforts that may cause major financial losses. This research presents the architecture of a logistic reasoning framework that applied the EPC global standard in the logistic domain. The architecture is supported by a logistic ontology which combines semantic information integrated by Protégé with logistic rules developed by Jess, an expert system development programming language. This implementation can be installed in logistic systems capable of reasoning while understanding the meaning of logistic operation data. It is anticipated that this approach should enhance the efficiency of the whole logistic operation and the time and cost of discovering potential problems can be reduced.


Ontology Jess Automated Reasoning Logistic EPC


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2. 盧冠廷,以本體論協同式建構與分享領域知識之研究,淡江大學資訊管理學系碩士論文,2006。
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