  • 學位論文


The Analysis on Customers Complaint Events of Bancassurance

指導教授 : 田峻吉


銀行保險在保險行銷通路佔有很重要的比例,但在保戶權益高漲與保險商品日益複雜的情況下,銀行保險客戶申訴的案件也越來越多。本文利用文獻歸納法、訪談法及所收集的實證資料,對於銀行保險客戶影響申訴的原因做出分析。所歸納的結論如下: 一、探討我國銀行保險業務監理架構釐清銀行、銀行保險經紀人公司及壽險公司的責任,並探討糾紛的爭議類型及原因分析。 二、利用銀行保險客戶申訴資料,進行迴歸分析;藉此釐清銀行保險客戶申訴之影響因素。本研究實證結果提供經營銀行保險之金融機構未來銷售保險相關商品或是進行業務訓練時的改進參考。 三、藉由銀行保險通路主管的訪談,了解銀行保險通路經營模式,並且分析銀行在處理客戶申訴所需注意的事項及標準程序。


Abstract: The bancassurance has been gradually became an important distribution for insurers. However, the disputes between insurers and insured are increasing with complexity of insurance products and importantance of customer rights. This paper arranges previous literature to summarize the reasons of complaint events. Then, I interview with the chief of bancassurance to investigate the practice related to customer complaint events for bancassurance. Finally, this paper collects the data to proceed with the regression. The main results of this paper can be summarized as the following: 1 The main "topic" of this essay is to explore the obligations and responsibilities among banking insurance agent, relative insurance company, and the bank itself, and it usually "results" in certain misarrangements and disputes. That is why it is essential to analysize its original reasons with various types of cases for ourbanking insurance industry. 2 My research is based on claims rasised by clients in banking insurance industry. After cyclincal analysis, all related factors regarding the case are clarified. Hence, the result will be provided to insurance banking company for their future business improvement foundation 3 Through communications with insurance banking channels officers, it is crystal clear that the way banking channel management is going on, and relative pros and cons. Therefore, all the possible issues, which "would" emerge during customer claim period, are analysized and addressed.


