  • 學位論文


Specialized field, obesity and salary

指導教授 : 胡登淵


本文旨在探討大學初出社會之大學畢業女性於各專業領域下,肥胖對薪資的影響,其中專業領域分為五個學門,商管學門、社會科學學門、自然科學學門、醫學學門與其它學門。研究資料為國立台灣師範大學台灣高等教育資料庫的「九十二學年度大三學生問卷調查」以及「九十三學年度大專畢業生畢業後一年問卷調查」;由於薪資與就業間可能產生樣本選擇偏誤的問題,且肥胖與否可能會影響薪資,但薪資也可能反向影響肥胖產生內生性問題,因此本文使用probit模型計算出Inverse Mill's Ratio(即IMR)後加入薪資方程式中解決選擇偏誤問題,並使用兩階段最小平方法(Two-Stage Least Square)以及處理效果(Treatment Effect Model)模型分別對BMI以及過重(或肥胖)與否進行估計,且以族群別「受訪者是否為客家人」、「受訪者在大學每週上網時間」、「受訪者的父親教育程度」、「受訪者的母親教育程度」作為工具變數,以處理內生性問題。模型估計結果顯示:在商管、自然科學以及醫學學門中過重與薪資有內生關係,且過重與薪資呈現正向影響;而肥胖則是在商管學門中呈現負向顯著,在自然科學呈現正向顯著,顯示自然科學中擁有某些技能專業性(譬如擁有較佳的數學和分析能力)使得肥胖所造成的負向衝擊被抵銷,且在所有學門中皆無發現內生關係,表示工作所造成之回饋效果還不是很強烈;最後本文為了探究數學專業程度對薪資之影響,遂依據大學入學測驗中的數學考科將學門區分為社會組數學以及自然組數學兩組來分析,發現在自然組數學背景之下,肥胖呈現正向顯著,而在社會組數學背景之下,肥胖則呈現負向顯著,顯示在自然組數學下,隱含數學和分析能力較佳,此時肥胖所造成之負向衝擊將會被抵銷。


This thesis aims to examine the impact of obesity on salary for young female college graduates in various specialized fields. The academic departments are divided into five fields: business, science, social science, medicine, and others. It analyzes the Higher Education Database in Taiwan by merging “2003 academic year, junior student questionnaire” and “2004 academic year, one year after graduating from college questionnaire.” First, this thesis uses probit model to calculate invers mill’s ratio , then put it into the two-stage least square model and treatment model to tackle with the potential sample selection bias problem and the endogenity problem of obesity, since obesity is likely to affect the salary and the salary may also affect the odds of obesity.The instrumential variables, including Hakka ethnic group, time of surf on the internet, father’s and mother’s education, are used to investigate the causal relationship.The results indicate that there has a negative effect of obesity on salary, for the field of business and has positive effect of obesity on salary, for the field of science.   Finally, this thesis also divides the academic departments into two fields according to the mathematics skill: mathA--imply better mathematics skill and mathB. The results indicate that there has a negative effect of obesity on salary for the field of mathB, but the negative effect for the field of mathA would become insignificant.


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