  • 學位論文


Numerical model of the simulation for the flooding patterns of Zhiben river and Lijia river

指導教授 : 林意楨


知本溪與利嘉溪為台東縣之易淹水區域,人口居住範圍與河道洪氾區重疊,因此透過數值模型來模擬流況,以有效掌握淹水狀況。本研究藉由衛星影像地圖將地形資料數化,利用FLO-2D及HEC-RAS將颱風實測之流量及雨量輸入數值模型來分析其淹水狀況,再利用HEC-RAS施行淹水狀況改良方法,以堤防修築及河道整治來做模擬。 本研究模擬結果,發現各流域河川特性不同,從中選取個別流域所適用之改善方案也會有所不同;未來為求較合理之數據或結果,須要有更精確之地理資訊以及河道內之土地利用,再加上河道中之水工構造物細節及抽水站資訊,以增加淹水模擬結果的精確度。


FLO-2D HEC-RAS GIS 知本溪 利嘉溪 淹水


Zhiben river and Lijia river are the easy flooding area in Taitung county, and human living area overlaps with flood plain. By using numerical models to simulate the flow conditions, we may be effectively able to understand flooding situation. In this research satellite images will first be digitized.FLO-2D and HEC-RAS will be used to simulate the flow conditions during typhoon period. HEC-RAS is also used to analyze flood situation with the implementation of two different methods which are raising the elevation of river's bank and dredging to improve the flooding situation. The analyzed results showed that because of the different characteristics of each river basin, the improved methods are different. In order to have more accurate simulated results, it is necessary to have more accurate geographic information like landuse and manmade hydraulic structures and pump-station information within the river's flooding plan.


FLO-2D HEC-RAS GIS Zhiben river Lijia river flooding


1. 行政院農業委員會水土保持局
1. ESRI Inc, ArcGIS Desktop 9.3(2008)
2. FLO-2D Software Inc,FLO-2D Pocket Guide (2006).
3. Maguire, D.J. An overview and definition of GIS, In Maguire, D. J. Goodchild, M. F. and Rhind, D. W., editors, Geographical Information Systems: Princlples and Applications (Volume 1: Principles) (Harlow, U.K.: LongMan Scientific and Technical), 1(1): 9-20, (1991).
4. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, HEC-RAS, River Analysis System Applications Guide (2008).


