  • 學位論文


The research of China’s propaganda strategy toward Taiwan: A case study of ECFA

指導教授 : 翁明賢


中共歷來重視宣傳工作,宣傳已成為其戰略運用的重要組成部分,中共把對台工作視為全黨的重要任務,對台宣傳無疑是這一任務中的主要組成成分。因此,中共強調,從整個對台工作來看,無論是公開宣傳或私底下的秘密運作,大量的經常性工作還是宣傳。換言之,中共對台工作的首要就是宣傳。 本論文研究重點在於理解宣傳的研究發展以及「議題設定」與「框架理論」為何,歸納中共長期以來的宣傳策略為何?影響中共宣傳思想、原則的因素為何?在中共以黨領政的架構下,了解中共的宣傳決策指導與執行實施機構,對其宣傳體系進行全面的認識;透過「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)為例,結合中共長期的宣傳策略與宣傳機制,探討兩岸協商「經濟合作協議」時中共對台宣傳策略的實際運作,以及所獲得的國際、中國國內及台灣的反應,並將宣傳分析、「議題設定理論」與「框架理論」和中共對台宣傳策略結合,了解中共對台宣傳的發展演變,以及中共在宣傳「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」在國際、中共國內與台灣的效果,與台灣未來可以繼續研究和觀察的課題為何。 本論文研究發現: 一、 中共對台宣傳兩岸經濟合作架構協議的具體作為即是「以商圍政,以經促統」的運用,並以「胡六點」為最高指導原則。 二、 中共對台經濟宣傳策略,即是以經濟力量作為「引力」,以發揮對台宣傳最佳效果。 三、 在議題設定分析部分,中共掌握議題設定權,並積極為往後政治協商鋪路,以及運用寄希望於台灣人民、寄希望於台商的議題宣傳策略。 四、 在「框架理論」分析部分,其策略目標都是在體現「一個中國」原則框架。 五、 在「宣傳效果」影響部分,中共雖然在宣傳兩岸經濟合作架構協議上,讓台灣民眾在支持簽定的立場上有一定的成果,但於統獨立場上還未能顯現出中共宣傳的強大力量。 六、 中共對台宣傳隨著兩岸緊密交流只會不斷深化,未來此課題仍有很大空間可繼續研究比較,不僅能對中共對台策略與宣傳有更多認識,也可因此擬定更多對策,而不至於在兩岸宣傳攻防上只能被動回應。


China has always valued its propaganda, since it has became a significant part of its grand strategy. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regarded Taiwan issues as an important mission in which propagandas towards Taiwan both in private and in public sectors are the most important tasks. In other words, the primary policy issues towards Taiwan, is propaganda. The thesis aims to analyze the development of the propaganda, its agenda setting theory, and framing, to generalize what the China propaganda is. The thesis also tries to find out how Chinese government conducts the progagandas and what the progaganda systems is. Taking Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) as a case study, the thesis discusses the Chinese propaganda mechanism and the frameworks of CCP policy toward Taiwan. The findings of the thesis is follows: 1. China applies "politics via business, unification via economy" to the progaganda towards Taiwan, based on the instruction of “Hu’s six-point opinions”. 2. China's propaganda strategy is to use the economic force as the leverage to maximize efficiency of propaganda. 3. In agenda setting, China has domination and lay hopes on Taiwan people. 4. In the framing analysis, the aim of the stratagy is to realize the framework of “One China principle”. 5. In the analysis of propaganda efficiency, even thought the propagandas have obvious impacts economically, the propagandas fail on “public opinion pull of the pro independence” or “pro unification” issues in Taiwan. 6. The propaganda towards Taiwan will keep on as the cross strait relations improve at the same time. By understanding the agenda, Taiwan’s policies can be made in advance and active reactions can be taken regarding of the China’s cross-strait propaganda compagain.


Propaganda ECFA agenda setting theory framing


4.王銘義。《對話與對抗 台灣與中國的政治較量》。台北:天下遠見出版,2005。
