  • 學位論文


Mao Zedong's Diplomatic Thoughts-Strategy and Tactics

指導教授 : 趙春山


毛澤東外交思想深刻影響當代中國外交,故本論文研究目的擬藉由毛澤東外交思想的戰略與策略層面,來瞭解兩者間演進的過程及其對中國外交決策的影響,本論文並透過韓戰來檢證兩者間的互動關係。研究重點有下: 首先在論述毛澤東外交思想理論方面,本論文研究發現毛澤東外交思想的政治哲學基礎包含愛國主義、國際主義、反對霸權主義及反對帝國主義;思想產生背景包含歷史背景、社會背景、理論背景及實踐背景;而理論來源分別有來自馬克斯列寧主義、中國傳統文化及 國父孫中山先生三民主義的影響。 在毛澤東外交戰略方面,其內涵有建立國際統一戰線、中間地帶、一邊倒、獨立自主、和平共處五原則、爭取第二中間地帶及不忘與亞非拉國家友好合作。 另外,毛澤東外交策略則有輿論戰,「敵進我退、敵退我擾、敵疲我打、敵迫我追」,「實事求是、積極防禦、靈活機動、不拘一格」,「戰略上藐視一切敵人,戰術上重視一切敵人」等七種運用方式。 藉由戰略與策略交相分析,本論文認為毛澤東在外交戰略與外交策略交互運用上具有延續性,並持續影響當代中國外交發展。研究發現,在毛澤東時期的各個外交事件中均有主要的外交戰略為因應,並輔以其他不同類型的戰略作配合以達到最佳的外交效果。另外在外交局勢發展階段間,戰略變化通常是以小幅度變化為主,而外交策略的運用則較為彈性,以因應局勢變化而改變行動方式,此交戰略與外交策略交互運用情形尤能在韓戰的演進過程中清楚窺知。


Mao Zedong's diplomatic thoughts have great impacts on contemporary Chinese’s diplomacy. By means of analyzing the concepts on strategy and tactics of Mao' foreign thinking, the report shows us not only the evolution of strategy and tactics but also each influences on China’s diplomatic policy. In order to examine the viewpoints that strategy and tactics have a lot more interaction, the Korean War during 1950 to 1953 is used to do a case study. In this report, it is found the following key points: First part is about the theories of Mao’s diplomatic thoughts. The research finds that the foundations of Mao’s political philosophy originate in four parts, including patriotism, internationalism, anti-hegemonism and anti-imperialism. And Mao’s foreign thoughts are derived from four backgrounds. They contain historical background, social background, theoretical background and pratical background. As to the sources of Mao’s thoughts, they are deeply affected by Marxism-Leninism, traditional Chinese culture and the Three People's Principles of Sun Yat-sen. Second is about the kind of Mao's diplomatic strategy. Mao's diplomatic strategy has seven parts, including “United Front”, “the intermediate zone”, “one-sided”, “the independence of sovereignty”, “the five principles of peaceful co-existence”, “strive for the intermediate zone and the second one” ,and “do not forget to cooperate with countries of Asian, African and Latin American”. Next is about Mao's diplomatic tactics. They have seven styles, including “ war of opinion”, “to fight flexibly”, “to seek truth from facts”, “not be limited to one type”, and so on. Finally, the paper finds that there is continuity between Mao's diplomatic strategy and tactics; moreover, Mao's diplomatic strategy and tactics have been a great influence on modern China’s diplomacy development. During Mao’s government, the main foreign strategy is used with tactics in every foreign event, especially in Korean War. And it is found that the changes of foreign strategy are usually steady. On the contrary, Mao’s diplomatic tactics are flexibly used in order to cope with the changing situations of wars. It is thus clear that Mao's diplomatic strategy and tactics are nimbly used in different situations.


Robert S. Ross and Alastair Iain Johnston, eds., New Directions in the Study of China's Foreign Policy (CA: Stanford University Press, 2006).
