  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Contemporary Society and Animals: Exemplified By The News Metaphors of Laboratory Animals and Animal Biting

指導教授 : 紀慧君


本研究關心的是後現代社會建構動物真實的問題,以實驗動物新聞與野生動物咬人議題為案例,探討其當代社會建構的動物意象影響著我們如何對待動物的方式與想像自身的方式。本研究從語言(隱喻)及社會文化之進路切入分析。 首先,透過Kövecses(2002)解釋Lakoff和Turner(1989)之巨大生物存鏈隱喻模式分析以比較策略,檢視從實驗動物新聞用以詮釋動物的隱喻中強調什麼面向,忽略哪些面向?反映什麼意涵?分析顯示,實驗動物的隱喻系統意涵物化人類,其背後的文化背景為當代社會以政府輔助生物科技產業開發新藥之經濟利潤為目的。 同樣以巨大生物存鏈隱喻模式分析野生動物咬人論述的隱喻,咬人的野生動物是年紀約十八歲,是民眾送養並且忘恩負義的犯罪者,這種集體意識底下的罪惡,也就是將人們身上的罪惡和獸性,投射到動物身上,折射回我們規範自身的行為框架。特別是將鱷魚比喻為犯罪的成年人,凸顯出從動物隱喻負面他者的規訓功能。實則,當代社會建構的動物真實關乎我們如何使用動物的目的,也是關於我們如何看待自身的關係。


This thesis concerns about the established animal issues in post modern society. We use subjects based on laboratory animal experiment and a person has bitten by a wild animal to search for established animal images and its influences the ways animals should be treated and towards people themselves. First of all, we started with the study of Kövecses(2002) and his explanation on the Great Chain of Being model presented by Lakoff and Turner(1989). We took a comparative tactic to examine the kind of metaphor applied in laboratory animal news discourse, and to find out how these metaphors manifest a discourse system of emphasis, negligence, and embedded connotation. Analysis showed the metaphoric system of laboratory animal experiments its meaning of humanization. The hidden background behind this culture was that modern society relied on government assistance in the biotechnology industry in order to develop new drugs for the purposes of economic profit. We still use a metaphor to analyze the issue of people biting by wild animals based on the Great Chain of Being model. The crime is a kind of collective consciousness that means the people’s crime and animalism which reflects to the animal itself. In summary, the established reality of animals in contemporary society relates to the purposes of how animals’should be utilized, and how to people should view themselves.


陳玉雲譯(2003)。〈鏡子與視窗:人類與動物關係的社會文化研究〉,《中外文學》,(2)32: 41-71。(原文Mirrors and Windows: Sociocultural Studies of Human-Animal Relationships Annual Review of Anthropology Vol.28 (1999) 201-224)
刁筱華譯(2000)。《疾病的隱喻》,台北:大田。(原書Sontag, S. [1997, 1978]. Illenss as metaphor; and, AIDS and its metaphors.)


