  • 學位論文


The transplant and variation of the political party clause of constitution

指導教授 : 許志雄


我國憲法上的政黨條款,在民主化的演變過程中,由中國國民黨及民主進步黨兩黨在競爭過程中,透過台獨黨綱的出現,開展出入憲的過程。但究竟箇中的討論過程如何進行,增訂的過程兩黨如何的應對,進而產生我國獨特的防衛性民主的政黨條款,這都是吾人想探討的議題。在入憲後大法官的態度,由司法院解釋第445 號、第499 號及第 644 號觀察,有試圖想解決此方面的問題,但以旁論解決的結果,使政黨成立時不適用,卻在政黨解散時適用,有不當擴張的傾向。 在國民黨針對民進黨台獨黨綱所採取的行政、立法措施,皆無法獲得具體的效果下,兩黨的對抗進而轉入1992 年第二次修憲。修憲過程中,由於國民黨一黨獨大的修憲、以及自身革命性格與財務狀況的不透明,使得相關的政黨條款無法順利的移植。我國在獨特的黨產結構下,以及轉型正義的需求,進而開展政黨法草案及政黨不當取得財產條例草案異變,但由於國會生態不平衡使得朝小野大,無法通過草案,甚至演變成黨產公投案。原本期望能達成政黨平等競爭的效果大打折扣,使有關黨產的議題僅交由司法系統去解決。在司法系統的運行下,已有部分判決確定須將黨產歸還給國家。政黨條款關乎民主的發展,表現於健全的政黨政治,立基於政黨平等的競爭環境,無論是防衛性民主,黨內民主、財務公開,都是政黨制度上的一環,彼此環環相扣,無論我們制度上如何演變,都不能改變我們對於民主此一核心價值的追求,在政黨發展的過程,我們必須秉持一個時時監督的態度,切勿讓我們的政黨朝向非民主的價值去發展。


政黨 防衛性民主 黨內民主 黨產


The clause of political party of the constitution in our country, in the development of democratization, by Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party(DPP)in competition, through the appearance of the party platform of Taiwan independence, the course of the constitution that come in and go out. How of course go on,how it will be course two party that revise and enlarge reply, and then produce the clause of political party of our country's unique defence democracy, this is topics that what I wants to disscuss. The lord chancellor's attitude after entering the constitution, it is No. 445, No. 499 and No. 644 to explain by the judicial organ and observe, it have attempt want solve the problem that in this respect,but with by the result more, not applicable while making the political party established, but applicable while dismissing in the political party, tend to expand improperly. The administration and legislative measure taken by the KMT to the Taiwan independence party platform of DPP, unable to obtain it under the concrete result, then bipartisan face-off is changed over to the second amending constitution of 1992. Amend constitution in the course, because alone great amending constitution, and one's own revolutionary personality and financial situation of a party of the KMT are opaque, transplantation making relevant political party clauses unable to be smooth. Under the party property structure, make the transition demand of justice in unique party, launch political party law draft and political party improper to make property to be regulations draft different to, but because Congress ecology uneven to adopt the draft loud, even develop into Referendum . Originally give a great discount in a result of hoping to reach fair competition of political party, make the topic about producing in the party only transfer to the judicial system to solve. Under the operation of the judicial system, make Yan and must produce the party to return to the country in existing part of judgement. The clause of political party concerns the development of democracy, display it in the sound party politics, set up it on the basis of the equal competitive environment of political party, no matter militant democracy, intraparty democracy, financial affairs are disclosed, all a ring on systems of political party, all linked with one another each other, no matter how system is to develop, can't change our pursuit to this key value of democracy, the course in development of political party, we must adhere to one attitude that supervise often, make sure not, let political party of us whether value of democracy develop in orientation.


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