  • 學位論文


Studies of surface ultrastructure and mechanical property of enterovirus 71 virions by atomic force microscopy

指導教授 : 李世元
共同指導教授 : 林世明(Shiming Lin)


在此篇研究中,我們使用原子力顯微術(AFM)去研究腸病毒71型的表面型態與奈米結構,高解析度的影像可直接針對臨床檢體及培養之病毒進行觀察與定量量測。此外,本論文也利用原子力顯微術來測量抗體探針與固定化在基質上的病毒之間解離力,藉由腸病毒71型抗體抗原專一性的力-距離曲線圖形,可觀察到單一、雙重、多重性的解離事件,可能因單一或連續多重的交互作用力被打斷所造成的影響。以拉離速度166.7 nm/s的量測條件下,腸病毒患者與正常人樣本的解離力分別為300.5±92.24 和 25.24±7.76 pN。研究結果呈現出以AFM作為力學感測器,可快速及靈敏的鑑別腸病毒患者與正常人之檢體。因此,在未來的臨床診斷上,可應用原子力顯微術可做為臨床之生物感測器。


In this study, the morphology and nanostructure of enterovirus type-71 were studied by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The enterovirus type-71 virus from cell culture and clinical sample were directly visualized and quantitative measurements. Moreover, AFM was used to measure the unbinding force between antibody probe and virus coated on the substrate surface. Force-distance curves of a specific enterovirus type-71/anti-enterovirus type-71 interaction system with mono-, di-, and multi-unbinding events were recorded, which may be attributed to a single, sequential or multiple breaking of interacting bond(s) between enterovirus type-71–anti-enterovirus type-71. For each unbinding force measurement at a pulling velocity of 166.7 nm/s, the mean value of the clinical sample (EV122) and normal sample (C1-2,M-11-T ) are 300.5±92.24 and 25.24±7.76 pN respectively. This result demonstrated that the enterovirus type-71 in clinical sample could be measured and discriminated form normal sample by a force–based AFM biosensor. The use of AFM can be a rapid and sensitive method in the development of a clinical cantilever-based mechanical biosensor.


1醫檢論壇-大千綜合醫院 檢驗科 彭惠珍、余文發2008年
14行政院衛生署疾病管制局-長庚兒童醫院感染科主治醫師(李文珍) ,長庚大學醫學生物技術暨檢驗系教授(施信如), 2010年8月修訂.
8 McMinn PC. FEMS Microbiol REV. 2002,91-107.
