  • 學位論文


The Study of Wen Zheng-Ming’s tea poems.

指導教授 : 陳金木
共同指導教授 : 崔成宗(Cheng-Zong Cui)


「茶飲」是源於人們的需要而產生的,唐以前,飲茶屬於粗放煎飲時代,專為解決生理飢渴功能為主,至唐代陸羽撰述《茶經》,總結前人製茶、煎茶的經驗與理論,加上詩僧皎然、皮日休、陸龜蒙等文士寓個人情志於飲茶詩的創作,「飲茶」從物質層面提升到精神層面。至宋代「茶文化」發展趨向精緻巔峰期;至明代,「茶藝」出現變革,隨之帶動飲茶法的改變,加上明代大環境因素,心學發達,文人生命重心轉向自我生活,在退離處世的生活中,藉著茶飲追求道家返璞歸真、天人合一的上層境界。文徵明是明代詩文書畫四絕全才,前半生困於科考,後半生回鄉過隱居生活。生活中常藉著飲茶,排遣寂寥,並有有不少茶詩、茶畫創作。在此藉由整理分析文徵明茶詩,試圖揣摩明代中期文人真實飲茶生活的一角。 本論文共六章,章節架構如下: 第一章 先說明研究動機及目的、前賢研究概況、及研究範圍。 第二章 明代中晚期的茶文化。主要論述明代中晚期茶文化發展背景,包括品茗方 式變格、茶書的撰述及文人心態的轉變。 第三章 文徵明與其茶詩。從文徵明的生平事蹟、詩作風格及文徵明的茶詩。 第四章 文徵明茶詩的內容分析—茶文化的物質面。本章研究文徵明茶詩中提到茶 葉、名泉、茶具、飲茶法。 第五章 文徵明茶詩的內容分析—茶文化的精神面。本章探討文徵明品茗的習慣、 品茗的對象和生活,由此能觀察到明代文人飲茶生活的實際情形及思想。 第六章 結論。此章以二、三、四章為基礎。歸納出文徵明飲茶生活的概況,間接 了解到明代飲茶文化一角及茶史上不朽的地位


文徵明 茶詩 茗飲生活


The custom of drinking tea originates from the demand of the human. Before Tang dynasty, drinking tea is just like cooking soup to solve the problems of thirst. Until the Tang dynasty, drinking tea becomes a program with regular steps. Lu Yu wrote ‘the classic of tea’ the first definitive work on cultivating, making and drinking.In addition, literary authors as Pi Rix–iu and Lu Gui-meng composed many tea poems with personal emotion .Drinking tea is not only a life program but an artistry .During the Song Dynasty, the culture of tea reached a peak. During the Ming Dynasty, there was a transformation of the traditional skills of tea making and drinking.In addition, the Ming Dynasty macro environment factors with the heart study was developing, literary writers tended to live a peaceful life with their family instead of being an official contributing to the country or public affairs. In their secluded life, they lived simply and pursued Taoism, giving up artifice and affectation with beauty gaining a new importance through the drinking of tea. Wen Zheng- Ming was versed in the four Ming Dynasty arts of poetry, prose, calligraphy and painting. In the first half of his life, he devoted to the preliminary examination. In the latter half of his life, he returned to his home village to live in seclusion. After coming home, Wen Zheng- Ming read ,painted and traveled. Sometimes, , he felt depressed and drank tea to dispel boredom and loneliness. In the process of drinking tea, he composed some poems to express his emotion and thoughts. Finally, the author attempts to analyse Wen Zheng- Ming’s tea poems , estimating the influence of the Ming Dynasty tea culture and the general literary writers’ life of drinking tea. This thesis is divided into six chapters, as follows: The first chapter explains the research motive and the goal, surveys previous scholars’ work, and defines the scope of research. The second chapter states the background of drinking tea, the changes of making and drinking tea ,and the spirits of literary writers when drinking tea during the Ming Dynasty . The third chapter describes the biography of Wen Zheng- Ming, and the contents and style of his tea poems. The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of the content of Wen Zheng- Ming’s tea poems, including the material culture of tea drinking. It also focuses on the tea, famous springs or rivers suitable for cooking tea , the tea set, drinking tea . The fifth chapter focuses on the analysis of the content of Wen Zheng -Ming’s tea poems with regard to the spiritual aspects of tea culture. It discusses the spatial and temporal background when Wen Zheng-Ming was drinking tea , the customs by Wen Zheng-Ming drank tea, and the people Wen Zheng-Ming drank with . From this , we can observe the actual situation of the Ming Dynasty writers drinking tea and their thoughts about tea. The sixth chapter is the conclusion. This chapter takes the second through fifth chapters as a basis .Finally, we can observe the hobbies of Wen Zheng-Ming drinking the tea, indirectly understanding the Ming Dynasty tea culture and its immortal status in the history of tea.


Wen Zheng-Ming tea poems, drinking tea


連啟元:<文徵明的山居生活意象>(藝術欣賞 第四卷第四期,2008年,
曹淑娟:<晚明文人的休閒理念及其實踐>(戶外遊憩研究 第四卷第三

