  • 學位論文


Impact of Taiwan's Open-Door Policy to Mainland Chinese Tourists on Taipei City

指導教授 : 李志強


論文摘要   從台灣宣佈戒嚴,海峽兩岸進入了敵對關係伊始,實踐民主政治的台灣以及實施社會主義的中國大陸,自此進入截然不同的歷史發展階段;換言之,兩岸人民的文化與價值觀在不同的條件下,各自發展成不同的文化體。直到1987年台灣解嚴,並開放台灣居民赴大陸探親以及大陸投資之後,雙方交流才在社會、經濟、觀光的部分慢慢緊密並多元,但截至此時,仍舊是台灣前往中國的單向交流。   要到2001年台灣通過「開放大陸地區人民來台觀光推動方案」之後,兩岸才由單向的台灣居民赴大陸轉變成雙向的相互相流;也是從這時期開始,兩岸的交流才因為觀光旅遊的契機,將過去遺落的歷史補綴起來,但時空的移轉已造成文化、經濟上的差異,當兩岸人民因觀光而接觸時,文化衝擊會如何影響台灣人民對於陸客來台觀光的態度?   本論文將回溯兩岸對於觀光政策的延革與歷史背景,並討論台灣開放陸客來台觀光後,目前執行的狀況與未來的發展。目前對於陸客來台觀光的研究,仍傾向於對台灣經濟影響的部分。而本論文的重點將放在研究開放陸客來台觀光之後,台北市民對於陸客的態度有何改變,尤其是在經濟、衛生、環境、治安的面向上,是傾向繼續支持開放陸客來台觀光?簡言之,本論文將以問卷的方式,試著由台北市民的角度,對於陸客來台觀光在經濟、衛生、環境及治安的影響進行分析,並推論台北市民在陸客來台觀光之後,其態度有什麼樣的改變。


Abstract Since Taiwan declared martial law, Taiwan and mainland China—one practicing democracy while the other enforcing communism—have taken very divergent paths of development. Different cultures and values evolved as people live in different socio-political contexts. In 1987 Taiwan lifted martial law as well as the ban on trips to China and China investment. It was not until this time that cross-strait social, economic, and tourism exchanges resumed. After Taiwan passed the Promotion Program for Visits by People from Mainland China, interchanges across the Strait shifted from single direction to bi-direction. Due to the growth of cross-strait tourism, gaps in history have gradually been mended. Questions remain, however, as to what effect cultural and economic differences have had on Taiwan people’s attitude toward mainland Chinese tourists. This thesis begins by tracing the historical development of tourist policies on both sides of the Strait. Then it discusses the current situation and future prospects after Taiwan opened up to mainland tourists. While recent scholarship on mainland tourists to Taiwan still dwells heavily on the economic impact, this thesis studies whether the open policy has led to any change in Taipei citizens’ attitude toward mainland tourists. A questionnaire was distributed to Taipei citizens to solicit their views on the influence of mainland tourists, with special emphasis placed on the economic, hygienic, environmental and public safety aspects. Some change in attitude is deduced from analysis of the survey results.


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