  • 學位論文


The issue of student studying abroad between China and South Korea

指導教授 : 揚景堯


在高等教育逐漸受到各國注目以來,中國廣大的留學生數量成為各國覬覦的目標,因為留學生政策除去培育高等教育的本質,其實是與留學生接收國的經濟密不可分的。包括在全球少子化狀況下招生不足的生源補給、留學生自身消費增加的內需市場、以及網羅優秀留學生留在接收國就業所提供的勞動力,這些因素使得留學生政策內高等教育自然產生了營利性的一面,也使得各國更極力將市場機制導入高等教育中,為的就是能吸引到更多的外來留學生。 本研究選擇以中國與南韓做為研究對象主要是因為這兩國自1992年建交以來,除了在政治經濟方面的發展以外,高等教育的合作與交流有著驚人的成長。從亞洲內部的留學生轉移來看,最吸引中國留學生的便是南韓,南韓亦然。截至2010年為止,在中國學習的南韓留學生人數達到64232人,占總來華留學生數的40%;而赴南韓學習的中國留學生更高達83842人,占南韓總留學生數的約70%,兩國互為互相的榜首。而本研究的主要目的就是藉由分析兩國間留學生的政策以及數據變化,去試著探討中韓吸引互相留學生的原因、留學生數字未來的發展性以及在高等教育密切的合作之下對兩國關係所造成的影響。


While the high education has became a hot issue all over the world, the vast number of Chinese students abroad have also became a target of all the countries. That is because the students abroad are not only mean to promote the essence of the high education, but also related to the economic of the students receiving countries, which including to supply the amount of students for the low enrollment because of the declining birthrate, to increase the domestic market by the consumption of the students abroad, and to recruit the outstanding ones for the employment to provide the labor. Those factors cause the beneficial sides of the students abroad policy, and they also make the countries put the market mechanism into the high education for creating more overseas students. To choose China and South Korea as the main object of this study is because since the two countries have established diplomatic relations in 1992, not only the political and economical aspects have progressed, but also the great growth of the educational cooperation and exchanges. After viewing the data of the students abroad transferring intra-Asian, the nation which attract Chinese student the most is South Korea, and South Korea makes no different on this issue. As of year 2010, the number of South Korean students studying in China reached 64,232 people, about 40% of the number of the overseas students; Chinese students studying in South Korea went as high as 83,842 people, about 70% of the number of the overseas students, two countries are both of each other’s first place. According to this result, the main purpose of this study would be analyzing the policies and the data changes between the two countries, and try to discuss the attractive reasons between the two countries, the future expansibility of the students abroad , and the impacts of the bilateral relations under the close cooperation by the analysis.


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