  • 學位論文


A Depth Adaptive Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks

指導教授 : 石貴平


在本篇論文中,我們將提出一個適用於水下無線聲波感測網路環境之繞徑協定。聲波傳輸速度在不同海水深度時將有所變化。在水下 1000 公尺時聲速最慢,1000 公尺以上及以下速度皆較快。利用此特性,本篇論文提出一個聲速與海水深度變化之數學模型,並藉由此模型建立繞徑表。傳送端節點可依據所在之深度不同,透過查表的方式,可選擇向上傳送、向下傳送或直接傳送的方式。在盡可能的縮短傳輸時間的情形下,將封包傳送至水面上目的端節點。 在模擬的部分,由實驗結果可知,本論文所提出之封包傳輸路徑,雖然較傳統最短傳輸路徑長,但花費的傳輸時間較傳統最短傳輸路徑少。同時,隨著傳輸範圍的增加,傳輸時間亦隨之減少。此實驗結果足以驗證本篇論文所提出的具深度調節之繞徑協定可善用聲速在水下深度不同傳輸速度隨之改變的特性,以減少封包傳輸之時間花費。


In this thesis, we propose a depth adaptive routing protocol named DARP for underwater acoustic sensor networks. Sound speed varies with water depth. As the depth of water is 1000 meters, the speed of acoustic wave is the slowest. Based on this observation, this proposal analyzes the impact of sound speed in different water depth and with various transmission distances and then the analysis results are formulated as a routing table. Therefore, each sender can refer to this routing table to transmit with a shortest end-to-end delay time in DARP. The simulation results show that the routing path is longer than the traditional shortest path, but the cost time of our proposed methods is less than the traditional shortest path. It improve the property of the sound speed is change by the water depth. At the same time, the large the transmission range is, the less the time is.


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