  • 學位論文


A Study of Meta-Evaluation of Programs' Evaluation in the Universities of Technology in the 2010 academic year in Taiwan—viewed from the Students' perspectives.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在針對99學年度科技大學專業類系所評鑑進行後設評鑑。研究所採用的研究方法包含文件分析法及問卷調查法,調查之進行係以99學年度受評之13所科技大學、212系(所)學生為樣本母體,每一系所抽選5名學生進行問卷調查,發出問卷調查之樣本數共有1,060人,總回收有效問卷份數為656份。 本研究主要之研究目的有五: 一、探討受評系所學生對99學年度科技大學專業類系所評鑑之看法。 二、探討受評系所學生對99學年度科技大學專業類系所評鑑之瞭解與參與程度。 三、透過對受評系所學生進行抽樣問卷調查,以瞭解受評系所在評鑑後之改善情形。 四、透過對受評系所學生進行抽樣問卷調查,以瞭解不同背景變相學生對於評鑑制度的瞭解、參與及其看法。 五、根據研究結果提供建議,供相關主管單位作為未來決策參考。 本研究主要結論如下: 一、受評系所學生對99學年度科技大學專業類系所評鑑在評鑑的項目、過程、結果與影響多數持正面看法且參與程度高。 二、公、私立科技大學學生在評鑑的項目、過程、結果與影響的看法及參與程度有所差異,私立科技大學之瞭解與參與程度較高。 三、不同學科領域系所學生在評鑑的項目、過程、結果與影響的看法及參與程度有 所差異,其中人文、社會學科領域系所與商學及管理學科領域系所之瞭解與參與程度較高。 四、不同教育層級學生在評鑑的項目、過程、結果與影響的看法及參與程度有所差異,其中碩士班研究生之瞭解與參與程度較高。


This study, by adopting the methods of document analysis and questionnaire survey, aims to conduct a meta evaluation towards Programs’ Evaluation in the Universities of Technology in the 2010 academic year in Taiwan, from the perspectives of students. The sample population of the questionnaire is the students in 13 universities of Technology being evaluated in the 2010 academic year. In each of the 212 departments being evaluated, 5 students were chosen as the sample of questionnaire survey. 1,060 questionnaires were sent to the related departments, and in total, 656 valid questionnaires were received and analyzed for this study. The main conclusions of this study, based upon the findings from the questionnaire survey, can be summarized as follows: 1.The majority of students hold positive attitudes and the high participations towards the Programs’ Evaluation in the Universities of Technology in the 2010 academic year, including the design of evaluation system, the criteria used for evaluation, the process of evaluation, the results of evaluation, and the ways of handling the evaluation results, etc. 2.There are differences in the attitudes, understanding, and the degree of participation in the process of evaluation, between the students in public and private Universities of Technology, and the students in the private sector had a more positive attitudes, better understanding and higher degree of participation towards the Programs’ Evaluation in the Universities of Technology in the 2010 academic year, in comparison with their counterparts in public universities. 3.There are differences in the attitudes, understanding, and the degree of participation in the process of evaluation among the students in different disciplines fields, and students in the field of humanities, social sciences, as well as those in the field of business and management had a more positive attitudes, better understanding and higher degree of participation in the evaluation process, comparatively speaking. 4.Students’ view and their degrees of participation in the evaluation process varied with the educational level of students, and postgraduate students working towards master degree had the most positive attitudes, best understanding towards the evaluation, and having the highest degree of participations in the evaluation process, in comparison with undergraduates and doctoral students.


