  • 學位論文


History and society behind the novel El baile de la Victoria of Antonio Skármeta

指導教授 : 白方濟


安東尼歐•斯卡米達為智利當代最具影響力的作家之一,其作品獲獎無數,2003年出版的小說《為愛而偷》更榮獲西語文壇最高獎金之「行星文學獎」並於2009年改編成電影上映。 《為愛而偷》描寫小人物在大環境中的奮鬥與掙扎,當現實如此不公而殘酷,高貴的靈魂如何在泥濘中熠熠生輝,夢想與愛又如何展開潔白的翅膀,帶著人們溫柔地飛翔。 智利曾擁有拉丁美洲第一個民選的左派政府,其後經歷了近20年的軍事獨裁統治,又於1990年成為拉美最早實行民主化的國家之一。1973年的軍事政變與隨之而來的獨裁政府造就了無數人的惡夢:綁架、失蹤、凌虐與謀殺,此陰影牢牢在許多人的心底扎根生長,並未因民主的到來而消散。作者認為文學的影響力往往大於歷史,於是選擇一種婉約的文學手法來刻畫體制下人物的命運與生存。在《為愛而偷》中作者使用三種方式來體現歷史:1)歷史的真實,即確切發生過的歷史事件或真實存在之人物,有完整且確實的歷史紀錄。2)粉飾的歷史,在確有的歷史背景中創造出一事件或人物,透過此事件或人物影射某部分歷史。3)虛構的歷史,即作者虛構的角色或事件,藉以抒發作者的理想與哀愁。


Antonio Skármeta is one of the most influential writers of Chile, his works won several domestic and international awards, the novel El baile de la Victoria won the Premio Planeta of 2003. El baile de la Victoria describe the situation of Chile from 1970s until principles of century XXI. The writer says that he prefers to use a literary and euphemistic way to tell the story, because sometimes the literature is more powerful than history. Chile had the first elected leftist government of Latin America, also experienced a nearly 20 years of military dictatorship. In 1990, Chile was one of the earliest democratic countries of Latin America. In this novel, the author uses 3 ways to tell the history:1) The ture history. The ture facts and real characters. 2) The modified history. Under the real and historic background, the author creates characters or events to tell the history through a literary and euphemistic manner. 3) The fictitious history, the place, event or people are create by the autor, does not really exist in histroy.


Antonio Sk&aacute rmeta Chile dictatorship history narrative


方祖燊, 《小說結構》, 東大圖書股份有限公司, 台北, 1995.
Barthes Roland. “The Death of the Author,” in The Rustle of Language. Trans. Richard Howard. Berkeley: University of California Press: 1989.
Acerca de la historia chilena
Libros en chino
