  • 學位論文


The Study of European Union Renewable Energy Law and Implementation by Germany

指導教授 : 林江峰


京都議定書第一階段即將在2012年到期,而各國減排目標尚未達成,歐盟為達成在京都議定書中所較1990年排放量減少8%之承諾,2007年歐盟27會員國和政府首長通過了具有約束力的目標,期望歐盟在2020年前可以達到最終能源消費中20%來自再生能源、能源效率提高至20%、減少至少20%之溫室氣體排放等三項重要目標,歐盟各國政治領袖為後代子孫鋪設一條通往永續能源未來的出路。2009年6月歐盟公布2009/28/EC指令,將氣候能源包裹法案中之再生能源約束性目標法案具體化,即促進再生能源使用規範,以此指令建構出歐盟鼓勵再生能源使用之法律基礎。   本研究計畫乃為德國新近再生能源政策與法制規範之發展及其與歐盟氣候保護法律規範調和之基礎研究,研究重點涵蓋:歐盟現行再生能源規範,以及對新近德國再生能源政策法制發展之探討、德國2012年新《再生能源法》規範內容之評析、探討德國新再生能源政策、2012年德國新再生能源之頒佈對歐盟立法之影響,以及後續之修正對歐盟下階段規範政策與規範執行之影響。


The first phase of the Kyoto Protocol will expire in 2012, and the emission reduction targets of each country haven't reached yet. To achieve the emission target of Kyoto Protocol, the heads of EU-27 Member States adopted a binding target in 2007. EU expect to reach three important goals, which are 20% of final energy consumption from renewable energy, energy efficiency increased to 20%, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% in 2020. The EU leaders are trying to lay the way out of a path to a sustainable energy future for the next generation. June 2009, the EU announced the 2009/28/EC Directive, to materialize the target of Climate-energy legislative package, and to construct the legal basis of encouraging the use of renewable energy. The research project is a basic research about German recent renewable energy policy and the development of legal norms. Research priorities include: the recent German renewable energy policy and assessment to development of Germany's 2012 Renewable Energy Law, how Germany's Renewable Energy Law impact the enactment of EU legislation, subsequent amendments to the next phase of EU regulatory policies and implementation of regulations.


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