  • 學位論文


A research on the distributions of automobile compulsory liabiltiy insurance - from the viewpoint of consumrer's characteristics

指導教授 : 汪琪玲


保險商品具有特殊的商品特性─無形性。對一般大眾而言,僅有售後服務聯繫著業者與消費者間,保險對眾多的消費者來說,因為商品的無法實質觸碰,而導致其商品感受價值下降的機會比實質商品更為迅速,故保險業者如何衡量消費者對產品的接受程度極為重要。就行銷的許多面向來看,「通路」即扮演著非常重要的角色,不僅是引導消費者接觸保險商品又提供保險業者維持彼此關係的存在性,更甚的是可以了解雙方在行銷過程中各自的觀點為何。 保險的銷售管道眾所皆知的有保險業務員、保險經紀人及保險代理人,此三種方式為也較多人所討論,但保險市場通路的架構隨著新興通路的崛起而逐漸在轉變,譬如可以透過電視輕鬆簡單購買保單;亦或是透過網路平台,即可完成保單購買手續;甚至只要到便利商店就可完成保單繳費手續,多元化的管道提供更豐富的投保選擇,也讓臺灣的保險市場競爭力更加嚴酷。但對於消費者而言,何種影響因素在改變其通路的選擇,此就耐人尋味了。 因而本研究利用汽車責任強制保險來檢證消費者對於通路之選擇其影響因素為何,本研究將投保通路結構分為選擇創新簡易通路與非選擇創新簡易通路,除了人口結構統計變數外,亦加入了個人特性變數,先使用卡方檢定來了解之間的相關性,再使用Probit迴歸以「選擇創新簡易通路」與「選擇創新簡易通路意願」兩種二元反應之依變項將個人特性(如重視因素、保險公司有無提供優惠訊息等)逐一加入分析。 依據本研究結果顯示,消費者通路選擇首重因素之一(優惠訊息)與選擇創新簡易通路(選擇創新簡易通路意願)之間有顯著正相關,優惠因子與選擇創新簡易通路亦有顯著正相關,本研究推測,消費者在選擇創新簡易通路及對於其意願時,不論是保險公司提供的優惠亦或是通路管道提供的促銷係可能改變其決策的。


There is a special characteristic of insurance products intangibility. Since commodities can not be touched in real, the feel of goods value would decline faster than real goods. It’s extremely important for insurers to measure the acceptance of products for consumers. “Channel” plays a very important role it not only guides consumers to insurance products, but also provides the insurance industry to maintain the relationship between consumers and insurers. Besides, “channel” can also make them know what their viewpoints are. The channel structure of the insurance market change gradually with the rising of the emerging channel. For example, you can easily purchase insurance policies through television or Internet, even convenience stores can complete payment procedures. Diversity in insurance provides more insurance options than before. For the consumer, what factors change their choice of channel, this baffling. Therefore, the Probit regression analysis. Based on the results of this study, one of the great importance of the consumer channel factors and selections of innovative easy channel (select innovative easy channel will) has a significant positive correlation. Discount factor and selection of innovative easy channel is also a significant positive correlation.


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