  • 學位論文


The professional capability of Care-Staff in Long-Term Care Facility

指導教授 : 曾妙慧


由於少子化的衝擊,再加上醫療的進步,臺灣的人口結構在近幾年慢慢趨近於老化。為因應人口老化趨勢導致高齡人口長期照顧及安養需求之成長,對於長期照護人員的需求及專業能力要求也有逐漸增加之趨勢。本研究之目的在於針對長期照顧人力資源所需的長期照顧專業能力進行調查,了解長期照顧人力應具備及已具備之專業能力,並討論長期照顧人力「應具備」與「已具備」能力之落差。 本研究以新北市老人安養暨長期照顧機構共202家為抽樣母體,包括新北市評鑑為甲等以上(包含甲等及優等)之公營與民營老人福利機構6家及安養機構、養護機構老人長期照護機構與護理之家196家。了解長期照顧服務員中院長、照顧服務員、社工人員及護理人員「應具備」與「已具備」之專業能力之狀況。 研究結果發現,在院長方面,院長應以長照相關專業知識為起點,再與其它領域進行聯結來獲得跨領域之能力,方能管理組織內員工及協調各部門之工作。在照顧服務員方面,照顧服務員對於本身之職務認為應該以專業能力為主,並未清楚察覺溝通技巧的重要性,與機構的認知存在落差。在社工人員方面,社工人員「管理能力」、「外語能力」、「方案規劃與評估處理專業能力」是被認為尚需強化的部分。護理人員方面,長期機構人員認為護理人員需要有較高的專業性,但護理人員本身認為專業性能力的具備是進入長照機構應該具備之「基本條件」應該特別強化在相關法規的能力上。 依據本研究之結果,對於教育訓練方向以及我國教育單位課程安排之規劃事項建議在短期應加強長期照顧專業能力訓練之穩定性與充足性。同時相關系所所提供之長期照顧人力課程安排規劃應具實用性與彈性。中程規劃應整合政府、民間與學校之教育訓練資源,避免多頭馬車而造成資源浪費現象。同時建議各高職、專科或大專院校應多鼓勵設立跨領域學程。長程規劃則是加強照顧服務員留任措施並建構完整之長期照顧教育體系。


In recent years, the nadir birth rate and the advanced medical technology both result in the tendency of aging society in Taiwan. The demand of professional long-term care workers has increased. So the research aims to discuss the professional ability of what long-term care workers have and what is lacking nowadays. The research chose 202 elder and long-term care institutions in New Taipei City as the sampling population, including 6 publicly-owned and private social welfare organizations and 196 elder care and nursing homes. The purpose of the research is to discuss the “must have” and “already have” abilities of superintendents, care workers, social workers and nursing staff in those organizations. The result shows, superintendents must have care profession as foundation and then integrate with other ability to manage their staff and organize different departments. For care workers, most of them only pay attention to the professional ability but ignore the communication skill. For social workers, the “management skill,” “language sill” and “the planning and problem solving skill” need to be enhanced. And for nursing staffs, care organizations think they should have advanced professional skill however nursing staffs think they should improve the legislation knowledge instead. According to the result, for short-term target, the ministry of education should focus on providing a stable and sufficient long-term care training course. For the mid-term target, the training resources from government, school and non-governmental institution should be integrated to work efficiently. Also the senior high school, college and university should establish more interdisciplinary programs. And for long-term plan, the intent to stay of care workers and a complete care education and training must be improved. According to the result, for short-term target of the care education planning, the ministry of education should focus on providing stable and sufficient long-term care training program. For mid-term target, the training resources from government, school and non-governmental institution must be integrated to work efficiently. Also the senior high school, college and university can provide more interdisciplinary programs. And for long-term plan, the intent to stay of the care workers and a complete care education and training must be improved.


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