  • 學位論文


After the global financial crisis, the China Foreign Trade

指導教授 : 李志強


中共在2001年加入WTO後,大幅對外開放市場,參與並融入經濟全球化進程,自2002年以來,進出口貿易增速均維持21%以上,惟2008年爆發全球金融危機,對外貿易倍受衝擊。儘管如此,自2009年3月起,大陸外貿逐漸復甦,2010年進出口總額近3兆美元,超越金融危機前水準,成為引領大陸經濟復甦重要動力。 然金融危機後,全球經濟增長進入相對低迷期,全球消費和國際貿易市場空間相對有限,且世界各主要國家國內經濟刺激計畫中,包括諸多新貿易保護主義手段,並強力要求人民幣升值,嚴重威脅廉價「中國製造」產品出口生存空間,對中共對外貿易發展戰略造成巨大挑戰。 本研究採取文獻分析法,以中共商務部、海關總署等官方網站,所發布的對外貿易統計數據報告、新聞發布稿為主要數據來源,就關於全球金融危機爆發後,對中共對外貿易造成之影響,中共對外貿易產品、地區、貿易方式之轉變,以及中共因應內、外環境變化之對外貿易策略,對其外貿發展產生之效應等方面提出研究結論。 研究發現,在全球金融危機爆發後,大陸外貿出口企業依然缺乏核心競爭力,技術、品牌落後,倚靠政府支持力量,大幅向外投資,併購海外資產,除藉此開拓市場,並伺機吸收技術及人才,提升企業競爭力。 然對出口企業而言,金融危機後經濟完全復甦仍然漫長,尤其在歐、美經濟復甦緩慢形勢下,中共面對之貿易摩擦案件仍將持續增加,而大陸貿易順差持續增長,亦使人民幣匯率成為各國施壓依據;此外,歐洲債務危機滯後效應將逐漸呈現,此等均為短期內中共亟需面臨之困境。復以大陸企業轉型升級階段遲滯,缺乏核心技術、自主品牌,成為其長期經營重大窒礙因素,更係中共未來發展對外貿易必須重視之重要課題。


China has opened its market wildly to the world and actively participated the process of globalization after becoming a member of the WTO in 2001. Since 2002, the growth of import and export trade have continually accelerated above 21%. But in 2008 the global financial crisis stroke the export trade severely . However, the export trade has started to revive gradually in March of 2009 and in the following year the import and export trade totaled approximately three trillion dollars, exceeding the average before the global financial crisis, becoming the recovery momentum of China. After the global financial crisis, the global economic growth has gone into the downturn . Global consumption and international trade market is relatively limited. The major countries in the world rise the domestic economic stimulation plan, including many new trade protectionism, and strongly ask China to make RMB appreciate . These serious progresses threaten the export living space of the cheap "Made in China" products . China's export trade development strategy is forced to face the enormous challenges. This study adopts literature analysis, according to Chinese Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs and other official website, the published report of foreign trade statistics, press releases as the main sources of data. Concerning the impact of the global financial crisis on export trade of China, China's export trade products, regions, the change in trade patterns, and the response of China to internal and external environment changes in export trade policy, its arising effects from the development of export trade, etc. proposed conclusions. According to the study after the outbreak of the global financial crisis, China's export trade enterprises still lack the core competitiveness, technology, and brands are still backward. The enterprises rely on government support to make the outward investment substantially , mergers and acquisitions of overseas assets. Besides, in order to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, China open up the market and recruit the foreign technology and talent at the same time. However, to export trade enterprises, the economy needs long time to recover fully after the financial crisis. Especially, China's trade frictions will increase with the slow economic recovery of Europe, and the U.S. while the China's trade surplus continued to grow, and the RMB exchange rate become a national basis pressure; Moreover, the Europe lagged effects of the debt crisis gradually emerge, these are short-term difficulties China has to face immediately. Due to the lack of core technology and independent brand, the complex business transformation and upgrading in China development tardiness have become the major obstacles for a long time. China must pay attention to these important issues while developing its export trade business in the future.


3、游欣穎,「中國-歐盟 貿易糾紛之研究」,淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士論文(2009年)。
