  • 學位論文


The Office of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence: Under Obama Administration (2009-2012)

指導教授 : 戴萬欽


此論文將探討美國國家情報總監 論文將使用許多歐巴馬政府於首次執政時期利用國家情報總監所進行的情報改革文獻作為參考。首先,本論文將敘述因九一一恐怖攻擊後實施的國家情報體系改革,以及此改革促成國家情報總監之成立。同時本論文將特別探討美國情報體系,尤其國家情報總監於歐巴馬首次執政時期(2009-2012),對情報體系整頓所造成的後果。深入討論美國情報體系組織的同時,本論文也會介紹情報過程¬¬¬-計畫與方向、蒐集、分析、製作及傳送。國家情報總監是否達成其目的以及情報體系改革是否有助於國家情報總監加強國防,將會是本論文主要探討的兩大議題。 本論文將從三大方向來深入探討這兩大議題。 一、歐巴馬政府對情報體系所進行之組織改革並未受到相關人士反彈。 二、於歐巴馬政府改革後,國家情報總監相較於中央情報局(CIA),對隱蔽行動更 據影響力。 三、於歐巴馬政府改革下,國家情報總監的無人機計畫以及隱蔽行動成功,將歸於 正在改變的「必需知道」(Need-to-know)以及「必需分享」(Need-to- share)情報文化。 本論文將一併討論與國家情報總監於情報體系改革創立過程中相關的議題。


This thesis represents an analytical study of the United States Office of Director of National Intelligence with specific reference to continual reforms on intelligence in the first term of the Obama Administration. It starts with examining how the 9/11 attacks triggered the Intelligence Community Reforms that led to creation of the ODNI. It further explores the Intelligence Community in the U.S., particularly the ramifications of reorganizations of the ODNI powers and functions, under the Obama Administration, (2008-2012). In-depth discussions concerning the structure of the U.S. Intelligence Community are presented as well as a focus on the defined steps of the intelligence process: planning and directions, collection, analysis, production, and dissemination. This study explored two questions: (i) does the Office of the Director of National Intelligence meet its objectives?; (ii) does bureaucratic reforms within the U.S. Intelligence Community empower the ODNI on national security policy matters? Three prepositions are employed in attempt to answer the two questions: (i) under the Obama Administration, the continual organizational transformation of the Intelligence Community has not met any significant resistance from stake holders; (ii) under the Obama Administration, the Director of National Intelligence has more leverage over covert operations than the director of CIA; (iii) under the Obama Administration, the ODNI's success in drone programs and covert operations is attributed to the changing culture of "need-to-know" and "need-to-share" of intelligence. Implications on issues relating to the restructuring of the U.S. intelligence community in light of the creation of the ODNI as also examined.


Public Documents
Blair, Dennis. U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, ODNI Fact Sheet (April 21, 2010).
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. “DHS Intelligence Enterprise Strategic Plan (2006).” Accessed December 5, 2012. http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/dhs/stratplan.
U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence. “ODNI Fact Sheet.” April 21, 2010.
U.S. Select Committee to the Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities. “Final Report, 94th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen.Rept.No. 94-755.” Washington DC: Government Printing office, March, 1976.
