  • 學位論文


The Personality and Strategy of Augustus

指導教授 : 劉增泉


本文是以「奧古斯都的性格與謀略」作為論述的主軸。析論其出生背景及發跡的經過。歷史是很弔詭的,在當時的屋大維僅是一位年僅十九歲,體弱多病,膽小又不具備軍事長才之人,屋大維在凱撒被刺殺後,迅速崛起,與另一強勁的對手安東尼互別苗頭,何以最後屋大維能脫穎而出,並且能夠成為締造出偉大羅馬帝國的領導者,這是本文最主要探討的一個目的。 另外,本文期望給予偉大羅馬帝國的創立者「奧古斯都」更為深入的研究,我們都知道要了解歐洲的歷史,那麼首先必須要先了解羅馬帝國的歷史,因為幾乎可以說現今的歐洲各國是由羅馬帝國一脈相承來的,羅馬的功業相當偉大,其文化至今仍深深的影響著歐洲地區,到歐洲隨處都可見羅馬帝國時期遺留下來的影子,羅馬帝國的版圖非常地遼闊,統治的民族也相當的多元化,包含現今的政治制度,實際上也是源自於羅馬帝國時期,並且成為後世政治體制的雛形,要能夠讓這樣大的帝國正常運作並且歷時久遠,無疑與本文所要探討的羅馬帝國創立者「奧古斯都」的統治政策息息相關,茲希望能夠提供爾後研究者一個更多元的面向。


奧古斯都 屋大維 羅馬帝國


The discussed spindle of this article is based on “The personality and strategy of Augustus”. I try to analyze his background and achievement. History seems to be paradoxical. Octavian was a sick,weak,and cowardly 19-year-old young man without military talent. After the assassination of Caesar, Octavian rose rapidly. When competing with a strong opponent,Anthony, the reason why Octavian became the leader of the Great Roman Empire at last is the objective I try to explore in this article. In addition, I sincerely expect to do a profound study on “Augustus”, the founder of the Great Roman Empire. We all know that if we try to understand the history of Europe, we should understand the history of the Roman Empire first. We can say that Europe nowadays is originated from the Roman Empire. The influences of the Roman Empire can be seen all over the European region,including aspects on culture,architecture, etc. When you visit Europe, you can see heritages of the Roman Empire everywhere. The territory of the Roman Empire was so large and its domination of the nations was quite diversified. Basically speaking, modern political system is derived from the Roman Empire . The foundation of former political system of the Roman Empire had become the prototype of the later political system. In order to make the huge empire operate normally and make it last for a long period of time, the successful element was much related to the policies of Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire . I hereby try to provide later researchers more different perspectives.


Augustus Octavianus Roman Empire


Plutarch, Fall of the Roman Republic, New York: Penguin Books, 1981.
Suetonius, The Lives of Twelve Caesars, New York: Modern Library, 1931.
Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome, New York: Penguin Books, 1961.
Vitruvius, The Ten Book on Architecture, New York: Harvard University, 1914.
Alban Dewes Winspear, Augustus and the Reconstruction of Roman Government and Society, New York: Russell, 1970.
