  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Performance of Diversification and Risk- Evidence from Taiwan’s Commercial Bank

指導教授 : 李沃牆
共同指導教授 : 池秉聰(Bin-Tzong Chie)


本研究以國內25家商業銀行之財務資料為樣本,研究期間為2008年3月至2011年12月 的季資料。實證上應用縱橫資料迴歸模型(Panel Data Regression Model)進行分析,並以銀行資產報酬率為被解釋變數。在解釋變數方面的選擇,主要為多角化變數,另外增加了銀行負債及銀行品質相關變數。在風險方面,則採用了Z-SCORE指標,探討多角化策略與銀行破產風險的相關性。 研究結果發現,在我國商業銀行發展多角化策略下,非利息收入比率對於資產報酬率的影響為負向,並不會增加銀行績效。而風險變數Z-SCORE與非利息收入比率亦為負向,推動銀行多角化策略會增加銀行破產的風險。另外銀行的規模大小為一種重要控制變數,與資產報酬率為正向關係;其餘相關變數,例如逾放比、股東權益比率、放款備抵壞帳提列比率為負向關係。


As Taiwan has faced with a series of financial reforms, the banks began to develop more Non-interest service. Non-interest incomes have become a larger portion of the bank revenues. This paper examines the relationship between performance of diversification and risk. Our study use Panel Data Regression Model to examine the Taiwan’s commercial bank from 2008 to 2011.Our sample contains 25 banks and 400 observations. Our main finding are as follows: (i) Revenue diversification has negative relation to increase profitability and negative to reduce risk. The banks do not benefit from the Revenue diversification. Increasing in non-interest income may increase bankruptcy risk.(ii) There is not a significant difference between bank holding companies and non-bank holding companies. Although the banks which had established financial holding company can increase their management efficiency and have more resources than other banks which had not established financial holding company, FHCs expand non-interest activities will not improve the performance.(iii)The size of bank is the important effect to improve the bank performance. the banks with large size could have an ability to develop non-interest incomes and keep the better efficiency and create the advantage of scope.


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