  • 學位論文

台灣藏傳佛教噶舉派的研究 – 以大台北為例

Research on the Kagyu Sect of the Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan- Based on the Example in the Metropolitan Taipei.

指導教授 : 周宗賢 劉國威


本篇論文主要是延續2003年劉國威教授應蒙藏委員會所做的延續計畫-『台灣現今藏傳佛教發展研究-以台灣藏傳佛教中心為主體分析』所做後續發展的分析報告,但是因為個人並非有完整的史學訓練出身,所以僅就個人之所學以藏傳佛教噶舉派在大台北地區現況發展來做口述訪談及問卷調查的後續發展研究。   在研究內容的安排除了說明為什麼選擇噶舉派來做研究之外同時也說明選定以大台北地區來做後續調查的原因;藏傳佛教噶舉派在台灣較具有組織及規模就屬直貢噶舉及噶瑪噶舉,且在大台北地區的中心就超過中南部的數量也就是說只要了解噶舉派在大台北地區其中心的運作情形就可以延伸得知在其他地區得運作及經營模式。目前噶舉派在台灣共有四個支派存在,他們分別是:噶瑪噶舉、直貢噶舉、竹巴噶舉以及巴絨噶舉,這其中又以噶瑪噶舉、直貢噶舉為其大宗,其發展較有組織與規模。目前就噶舉派在台北發展的後續情形來觀察就是以噶瑪噶舉以及直貢噶舉為其主流,因此整篇的研究分析、田野調查與深度訪談的重點就落在這兩個傳承支流之上。 由於各藏傳佛教中心在台灣所舉辦的各項宗教活動,均受到經濟、區域、文化或是信眾階層.. 等多項社會因子的影響,但影響的程度不一,故在本研究中也將探討在台灣的藏傳佛教團體之設立,承傳及宗派等是否存有地域性差異,而這些差異對於在台灣的藏傳佛教僧人在保存傳統西藏佛教上所產生的衝擊為何。本研究將從實際的參訪及出家眾資料調查,並針對特定藏傳佛教中心(大台北地區噶舉派)進行深入訪談,輔以歷史文獻的記載,以藏傳宗教的傳承為主幹,多方面的呈現現今藏傳佛教在台灣的發展近況見 個人希望藉由研究分析、田野調查與深度訪談等以上的觀察,希望能夠有助藏傳佛教噶舉派在大台北區的正常發展,進而發展到全台灣,這對於台灣國際形象的建立肯定有正面的發展,除了讓藏僧能夠快速且穩定融入在地生活,另外也能藉由良性的互動讓更多人可以了解到不同於以往所了解的神祕西藏在地文化。


This thesis is a follow-up report that based on the project “The research of development of Taiwan Tibetan Buddhism nowadays– take Taiwan Tibetan Buddhism center as a main subject to Analyze ” by professor Liu,Kuo-Wei to the request from Mongolian & Tibetan Affairs Commission It is a post – interpretive research analysis of the oral interviews and surveys of the Tibetan Buddhism Sects Kagyu development in Taipei at present. This research not only explain the reason to choose Sects Karma Kagyu but also Taipei as poll. Drikung Kagyu and Karma Kagyu are well organized and extent Tibetan Buddhism Sects Kagyu in Taiwan. Their centers in Taipei are more than the amount of middle and south Taiwan. As a matter of fact, their operation can be a role model. There are four Sects Kagyu in Taiwan; Karma Kagyu,Drikung Kagyu,Drukpa Kagyu and Barom Kagyu. The main stream are Karma Kagyu and Drikung Kagyu. Therefore, the whole analysis, field research and interviews are bases on these two sects. Every Tibetan Buddhism religious activities that takes place in Taiwan are effected by finance, economy, culture or the level of believers and many other social factors …etc. However, the influence degree is different from each other. The area variety of establish, continued tradition and sects of Taiwan Tibetan Buddhism group and how it affect Taiwan Tibetan Buddhism monks in preserve original Tibetan Buddhism will be studied as well. The study will present the development of Taiwan Tibetan Buddhism for the time being from interviews and investigations of the monks that belongs to Sects Kagyu in Taipei. The history documents are used as references.  The purpose of this observation is to help the growth of Tibetan Buddhism Sects Kagyu in Taipei and furthermore expansion to Taiwan. This will make a positive international image of Taiwan. The Tibetan Buddhism monks can merge local life rapidly and steady. Also the well interaction can make more people understand the mystery Tibetan civilization.


Tibetan Buddhism Kagyu Karma Kagyu Drikung Karmapa


