  • 學位論文


~Follow Me After School~An Action Study on the Design of a Teacher’s Program of After-School Caring Service for Grade 2 Students in an Elementary School

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究旨在探討一位國民小學二年級校內課後照顧服務班教師如何透過多元化教學方案的設計與實踐,充實課後照顧服務內容。研究對象為台北市某國小二年級課後照顧服務班學童。 本研究採行動研究法,由研究者與參與的督導行政人員、研究夥伴教師分別就「品格繪本」、「樂趣體能」與「創意美勞」三種教學擬定一系列行動,包括方案設計、實施、評估、檢討與建議。期盼學生在課後照顧服務時間,除家庭作業習寫與接受課業輔導,還能發展學科以外的活動,以促進品格成長、提高學習興趣及啟發創造力。同時透過研究,瞭解教師在課程實施時所遭遇的問題及解決策略,經由反思與修正,逐步建構出確實可行的課後照顧服務方案。所蒐集的相關資料經過分析整理,得到以下結論: 壹、課後照顧服務班實施多元化教學方案可以提高作業完成率 貳、課後照顧服務時間規劃得宜,可兼顧作業習寫與多元學習 參、品格教育透過繪本教學看見七項品格的提升與成長 肆、品格教育融入樂趣體能教學,在培養學童尊重、公平及團隊合作 精神上頗具成效 伍、創意美勞教學確實有助於提高學習興趣及啟發創造力 陸、課後照顧服務教師工作繁重,集結團隊力量才能落實方案設計 研究者依據上述結論提出具體建議,供教師、行政及未來研究之參考。


The study was to learn how an After-school Caring Service Teacher program for grade 2 students in an elementary school through the design and implementation of a multiplied teaching program, to enrich the service contents of the after-school caring service. The research subjects of the study were the grade 2 students of an elementary school in Taipei City, who were joining an after-school caring service program of that school. The research method adopted in the study was action research. The researcher with her partners and the supervising administrator, from the three pre-set reference courses of“Picture Books of Character”,“the Joyful Physical Fitness”and“the Creative Aesthetic Labor”, formed a series of actions including the design, implementation, assessment, review and recommendations, with the hopes that the students, in addition to the making of the homework and subject guidance, would explore their extra-curriculum activities to promote the growth of character and to raise the interest of learning and the enlightenment of creativeness. We also hope that with this study, we can further understand the problems the teachers facing and their solutions, and we might gradually constitute a usable and effective after-school caring service program through reflection and correction. We concluded our data-analysis as follows: 1.The diversified after-school caring service program would help to raise the percentage of homework-completion. 2.A proper time-frame for the after-school caring service would take both the homework-making and diverse learning into consideration. 3.The growth of the character education could be seen through the teaching with picture books presenting the promotions and growths of seven item about characters. 4.The character education with the adoption of joyful physical fitness teaching is effective in cultivating the respect, fairness and teamwork spirit of the students. 5.The teaching of creative aesthetic labor had greatly helped in raising the students’ interest toward learning and enlightening the students’ creativity. 6.Due to the heavy tasks for teachers in after-school caring service, teachers would only be able to realize targets of their program-designing in the form of group. Based on the above-mentioned conclusion, the researcher would like to propose concrete suggestions here as the reference for teachers, administrators and future researchers.


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