  • 學位論文


Cooperative and Competitive Marketing Strategies of Taiwanese Small and Medium Businesses –An Example from Holding a Joint Exhibition.

指導教授 : 蔡政言


中小企業為我國產業發展的重要盤石,更被稱譽為台灣創造經濟奇蹟主要動力,且中小企業一直是台灣產業特色,也是台灣經濟奇蹟貢獻者。根據中小企業白皮書(2013)顯示,台灣的中小企業在2012年全球經濟受限於歐美先進經濟體就業改善遲緩、國際金融動盪並影響新興經濟體等因素下,卻還是能擁有亮眼的表現。 隨著環境不斷地變遷,我國中小企業在貿易商場上的行銷模式早已從傳統模式進化成網路電子商務等模式,而雖然如此,參加國際商展仍然不失為一個有效的行銷方式。因此,本研究將探討台灣中小企業以參加國際商展為主的行銷方式,並以參加聯合展覽為例,意即將相關產業之商展聯合同地同檔期共同舉辦,互相拉抬聲勢與共同宣傳,藉由分析個案展覽的經營策略,及評估相關展覽績效指標,透過競合策略分析,歸納分析中小企業參展如何達成最佳行銷策略,以提升中小企業在市場上之競爭力。


中小企業 行銷 展覽


The Taiwanese Small and Medium Businesses (SME) , which also is admired the main force of Taiwan's economic miracle, is an important part of our country development. The Taiwan's SMEs has been also the industry characteristics and the contributions of Taiwan's economic miracle. As the environment continues to change, the SME marketing mode transfers from the traditional mode to the Internet mode. But the participation in international trade fairs is still regarded as an effective way of marketing. Therefore, this study will examine the marketing mode of Taiwan SME to participate in international trade fairs, and to participate in a joint exhibition for example. The joint exhibition means co-located different exhibitions in the related industries. By analyzing the cases of the exhibition business strategy, it can be summarized and analyzed how to achieve the best SME marketing strategies and to enhance SME competitiveness in the market field.


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