  • 學位論文


The rising and falling of MSN dynasty, some observations on ecology of the medium plate

指導教授 : 楊智明


以即時通訊MSN在過往發展為個案,不斷以各種更新、釋出試用版以獲取使用者的青睞,由文字傳輸、圖檔傳輸、語音傳輸、影像傳輸等,可以得知MSN在即時通訊市場中所做出的努力,因而曾成為即時通訊市場中第一的地位,在2010年時,使用用戶數更高達3億多人,但仍於2013年熄燈結束13年的服務。 本研究問題在於MSN的過往發展當中,不斷以各種更新、釋出試用版以獲取使用者的青睞,由文字傳輸、圖檔傳輸、語音傳輸、影像傳輸等,可以得知MSN在即時通訊市場中所做出的努力,因而曾成為即時通訊市場中第一的地位。但在2013年由Skype全面接手,走向結束的因素為何? 本研究採用“Media map”中的變項(公開�隱私、高使用率�低使用率)作為架構,從媒介歷史中的演變,相互驗證媒介地圖中變相對於媒介市場的影響,以了解各變項對於媒介受歡迎程度的影響。本研究方法以時間軸方式了解MSN歷史發展與所遭遇之困難,因此許多問題的徵兆是以隨著時間面對大環境,而逐步分析;再透過媒介地圖概念解析,面臨問題卻無法及時有效因應之因素。研究結果發現:(1)在MSN時期時,社群網站諸如MySpace、Friendster及在全球引發熱潮的Facebook,倚靠媒介熱度將曾為提供即時通訊服務的MSN Messenger功能單純以聊天室功能取代,造成讓MSN Messenger提供了近14年的服務之後熄燈的因素之一。(2)在Windows Live Messenger時期,在智慧型手機出現之後所帶來的影響不僅止於通話與發簡訊的習慣改變,手機不再僅止於傳統過往功能。軟體功能更體現行動化演進,過往通話及傳送短訊都須經由GSM系統的服務,但透過網路傳送訊息、通話、遊戲、瀏覽網頁、…多到不可勝數的功能,讓行動化成為趨勢。(3)「整合」成了重要策略,再不加以區隔各個使用族群取向的情形之下,將其他功能一併納入,媒介的整合改寫了過往的媒介走向。


Since Internet can be accessed by everyone that developed from Arpanet, it caused Internet beyond the situation before. When the Web 2.0 came to our life, more and more people want to access the virtual and opening space. Therefore, everyone is amazed by evolution of personal computer and Internet. According to the case study in MSN, it is earned favorable impression by some strategy like update, beta version release. We can understand that efforts in the market of instant messaging to MSN by text transmission, picture transmission, voice transmission, video transmission, etc. We can know how hard the MSN made, therefore MSN once got first in the instant messaging market. In 2010, the number of user once got 300 million people, but Microsoft still shut down MSN in 2013. The issue in the research is MSN once got first in instant messaging market, but why Microsoft choose to shut down MSN? What factor caused MSN to be terminated? We may realize the historical development and difficulties they encountered of MSN in this research, therefore analyze many signs of the problems in the whole medium environment, and then, approaching by Media Map to know why Microsoft couldn’t efficiently solved all problems they met. The results of research are: (1) New media, social network, appeared with medium heat, social network became more and more popular, especially like MySpace and Facebook. And they launched their chat function, instead of instant messaging client server. It’s a factor impacted the operation of MSN. (2) In Windows Live Messenger period, the smartphone launched. People can use smartphone to access the mobile internet, therefore mobile application software is launched a lot and fast. At the same time, mobile instant messaging launched and occupied people’s time and attention. It caused another instant messaging market and challenged for MSN. (3) "Integration". It becomes an important strategy now and then. Because how to integrate the new function or product leading to the different situation totally and the future of whole medium environment.


Web 2.0 instant messaging media map social network mobile integration


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