  • 學位論文


The Impact of Aesthetics Cognition of Menu on Consumer Ordering Behavior: the Perspective of Impulse Buying

指導教授 : 李月華


由於台灣民眾對外食的需求量日漸增加,菜單設計是餐廳經營成敗的關鍵。本研究欲瞭解透過菜單的美學設計、餐廳形象的傳達、熱量標示,與消費者衝動性購買的影響程度為何。本研究將以問卷調查法進行資料收集,以探索性因素分析、驗證性因素分析檢驗量表信度與效度,並以多元迴歸分析進行假說檢定。 本研究理論貢獻為以 SOR 理論為基礎,針對餐廳形象與熱量訊息對於「菜單美學知覺-衝動性購買傾向」以及「菜單美學知覺-衝動性購買行為」關係之調節效果進行研究。換言之,強調不同刺激間的交互作用對於有機體以及反應之影響,拓展了 SOR 理論原有的觀點。其次,餐廳形象與熱量訊息揭露是以隱喻的方式,透過淺移默化的作用,讓消費者在不知不覺中因菜單的美學設計而引發其點選附餐的行為。最後,熱量訊息揭露是以迂迴的方式,透過弱化「菜單美學知覺-衝動性購買行為」的正向關係,來發揮其影響效果。本研究結果對學術理論及業界發展將有所貢獻,並有助於餐廳經營者瞭解在不同情境之下,可能誘發或是抑制衝動性購買之情況。因此,擬定獨特的促銷策略,強化消費者的衝動購買,提昇餐廳業者的競爭優勢。


As Taiwanese people’s demand for eating out increases daily, menu design has become essential to restaurants’ success. This study intended to discover the influence of store image, the aesthetic design of a menu, and calorie labeling on consumers’ impulsive ordering behavior. The questionair was used for data collection. CFA and EFA were employed for testing the reliability and validity. Mutiple regression was used for hypotheses test. This study’s theoretical contribution is based on the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) theory; we conducted the research by focusing on the adjustment results of restaurant image and calorie information on the “menu aesthetic perception-impulse buying tendencies” relationship and the “menu aesthetic perception-impulse buying behavior” relationship. In other words, by emphasizing the influence that the interaction effect between different stimuli has, on organisms and reactions, we elaborated on the original perspectives expressed in the SOR theory. Further, restaurant image and calorie information disclosure are symbolic and have a subtle influence, causing consumers to order side dishes imperceptibly because of the aesthetic design of the menu. Finally, calorie information disclosure indirectly weakens the positive relationship between “menu aesthetic perception and impulse buying behavior,” by exerting its influence. The results of this study will contribute to enhancing academic theories and industry development, and it helps restaurant operators understand different situations that may cause or restrain impulse buying situations. Therefore, this study will help develop unique promotional strategies to strengthen consumers’ impulse buying and enhance restaurant operators’ competitive advantage.


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