  • 學位論文


The Knowledge of Global Education in Junior High School English Textbooks:A Content Analysis

指導教授 : 張雅芳


本研究採用內容分析法,針對國中英語教科書,進行教科書中所呈現的內容知識與全球教育內涵相關之分析。具體言之,本研究的目的包括壹、探究國中英語教科書中全球教育知識的內涵;貳、分析國中英語教科書中全球教育知識內涵的呈現情形;參、比較不同版本的國中英語教科書,其全球教育知識內涵的差異情形。 本研究經由文獻探討與彙整學者專家的建議,將國中英語科教科書的全球教育知識內涵項目分為「全球體系」、「全球問題與議題」、「跨文化理解」三大主類目,及「政治體系」、「經濟體系」、「資訊科技體系」、「世界歷史」、「世界地理」、「人口議題」、「生態環境議題」、「糧食與貧窮議題」、「衛生與健康議題」、「和平與衝突議題」、「人權與平等議題」、「文化理解與差異」、「宗教信仰」、「教育學習」十四項次類目。基於人力、物力以及時間的限制,僅選定102學年度國中英語科教科書,包括康軒、翰林、南一等三個版本,七至九年級,總共十八冊,進行全球教育知識內涵的分析。本研究的發現如下: 壹、版本間全球教育知識數量的比較: 一、翰林佳音版出現的次數最多,南一版出現的次數最少。 二、三版本主類目以「跨文化理解」呈現的次數最多。 三、三版本主類目以「全球問題與議題」和「全球體系」呈現的次數最少。 四、三版本出現最少或甚至沒出現的次類目皆為「政治體系」、「世界歷史」、 「人口議題」、「和平與衝突議題」。 貳、同一版本各冊別在全球教育知識的分布情況: 一、康軒版與南一版的各冊別總排序以第三冊為首,翰林佳音版的各冊別總排 序以第二冊為首。 二、各版本各冊別在全球教育知識的分布上不均勻。 三、各版本各冊別大多偏重於文化層面的認識與介紹。 四、各版本各冊別在全球教育知識的分布上宜加深加廣。 參、全球教育知識實質分析歸納: 一、全球教育知識的呈現仍以英國、美國出現的比例較高。 二、全球教育知識的呈現,三版本各具特色。 三、對全球教育知識的討論不夠深入,難以啟發學生批判思考能力。 四、呈現的題材與青少年生活接近,易引起學生興趣。 五、全球教育知識的呈現包含許多目前全球關心的議題及新知。 六、在文化理解與差異上,大多呈現異國文化的簡單介紹與特色。


In this study, the content analysis procedures were used to analyze the content knowledge related to global education presented in junior high school English textbooks. Specifically speaking, the purposes of this study included (1) to identify the connotation of global education knowledge in junior high school English textbooks;(2) to analyze the connotation of global education knowledge presented in junior high school English textbooks;(3) to compare differences in the connotation of global education knowledge in different versions of junior high school English textbooks. Through reviewing the relevant literature and consulting the experts’ recommendation, analysis items were identified for the connotation of global education knowledge in junior high school English textbooks. The analysis items consisted of three main categories, namely, "global systems", "global problems and issues", and "cross-cultural understanding", as well as fourteen subordinate categories, namely, "political system", "economic system", "information technology system", "world history", "world geography", "population issues", "eco-environmental issues", "food and poverty issues", "hygiene and health issues", "peace and conflict issues", "human rights and equality issues", "cultural understanding and difference", "religion and belief", and "educational learning". Because of manpower, material and time restrictions, only the junior high school English textbooks released in the 102 academic year were selected, including Kang Hsuan, Hanlin-Joy, and Nani, three versions for 7-9 graders, a total of eighteen books. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. Comparison of the amount of the global education knowledge among different versions: (1) Hanlin-Joy accounted for the highest percentage, and Nani accounted for the least percentage. (2) The category of “cross-cultural understanding” accounted for the highest percentage among the main categories in the three versions. (3) The categories of “global problems and issues” and “global systems” accounted for the least percentage among the main categories in the three versions. (4) The categories of “political system”, “world history”, “population issues” and “peace and conflict issues” accounted for the least percentage or even disappeared among the subordinate categories in the three versions. 2. Distribution of the global education knowledge of each book in the same version: (1) For Kang Hsuan and Nani, Book III accounted for the highest percentage among the six books;For Hanlin-Joy, Book II accounted for the highest percentage among the six books. (2) The global education knowledge was not distributed evenly among the six books in the three versions. (3) Most books in the three versions emphasized on the introduction and presentation of the cultural dimension. (4) The distribution of global education knowledge should be deepened and broadened among the six books in the three versions. 3. Substantive analysis of global education knowledge in the textbooks: (1) A higher proportion of the global education knowledge presented in the textbooks was related to the United Kingdom and the United States. (2) The global education knowledge presented in three versions had distinct features. (3) The depth of global education knowledge was not sufficient to inspire students’ critical thinking. (4) The topics selected in the textbooks were close to adolescents’ life, which could arouse students’ interest. (5) The global education knowledge included many current issues of global concerns and new knowledge. (6) In most cases, only brief introduction and features of exotic culture were presented for cultural understanding and difference.


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