  • 學位論文

在WiMAX 802.16j多躍網路中研發具服務品質保證及低成本之Relay佈建技術

Cost-Effective and QoS Guaranteed Relay Placement Mechanism for WiMAX 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Networks

指導教授 : 黃心嘉


無線寬頻網路中,單憑佈建基地台(Base Station, BS)以滿足使用者的傳輸要求,將耗費大量的建置成本。因此,若能以佈建成本較低的中繼站(Relay Station, RS)取代上述之基地台佈建作業,除了可大幅降低網路整體的佈建成本外,亦能提昇網路整體的傳輸吞吐量。近年來,雖有眾多WiMAX 802.16j中繼站佈建之相關研究,然而,這些研究僅單純考慮傳輸效能的高低,卻忽略必須遵循IEEE 802.16j訊框架構之規範,以致中繼站佈建後的使用者需求無法確實滿足。本論文主要針對 WiMAX 802.16j 網路,提出一多躍中繼站佈建演算法,不但考慮中繼站佈建位置影響網路傳輸效益的程度,更遵循IEEE 802.16j訊框架構之傳輸規範,評估單一訊框中可安排傳輸的中繼站與使用者數量,以期使用最少數量的中繼站,確實滿足使用者的資料傳輸需求。透過實驗模擬,本論文所提出的多躍中繼站佈建演算法與現有的研究相比,在中繼站佈建數量、使用者需求滿意度、傳輸延遲及網路吞吐量各方面,皆有較優越的效能展現。


In wireless broadband networks, only deployment a base station (BS) in order to satisfy all users’ transmission requirements, will spend a lot of build costs. To reduce the cost of deploying BSs, the relay station (RS) interconnected between the BS and MSs (or SSs) is proposed in the new version of IEEE 802.16j standard. In recent years, there has many relay station deployment related studies in IEEE 802.16j, however, these studies simply consider the efficiency of transmission ,not consider the frame structure of IEEE 802.16j, lead to users requirement can not really satisfied after relay station was deployment. This paper aims WiMAX 802.16j networks, propose a multi-hop relay station placement algorithm, not only consider the location of relay but also follow IEEE 802.16j frame structure of transmission specification, evaluate the number of relay stations and users can transmission in a frame, using the minimum number of relay stations, in order to satisfying all users’ data requirement. Our performance study compared with existing research, proposed a multi-hop relay station placement algorithm, the number of relay stations , satisfaction of users, transmission delay and throughput has relatively superior performance.


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