  • 學位論文

影響經濟部能源局推動「擴大設置LED路燈專案計畫」因素之探討- 以「政策配合」之觀點

Exploring the factors of "LED Street Light Project" that executed by Bureau of Energy.- by theory of policy compliance

指導教授 : 曾冠球


在公共政策執行的過程中,除了政府的作為之外,政策標的團體的態度亦為一政策是否能夠順利運作一重要的焦點,在政策執行階段,標的人口如果認為政策方案不令他們滿意,或甚至違背他們的利益的話,更會以各種方式設法阻礙政策方案的順利推動;由此可知,政策標的團體之配合意願對於一政策而言,為政策執行過程中之焦點,筆者因職務關係,協助經濟部能源局辦理「全臺設置LED路燈」措施,執行水銀路燈汰換成LED路燈之計畫,發現該項政策全臺雖近七成縣(市)政府提出申請,但其中縣府下有參與意願之公所竟不到全臺公所的1/6,因而,本論文試著透過公共政策執行過程之「政策配合(policy compliance)」觀點,探討該計畫在執行過程中,影響相關行動者其配合政策之原因。   本論文研究方法採用文獻回顧法、文件分析法及深度訪談法,並透過政策配合理論中提及之影響因素,同時據以分析:法令的清晰程度、懲罰的確定與嚴重程度、對該政策正當性的認知、強制力的需求程度、人民對該項政策的同意程度、政府測量順服程度的能力、監控的廣泛程度、是否存在特定的執行機構等八項因素,研擬訪談題綱來分析實務政策之成效。   研究發現:標的人口對政策之了解程度、過去辦理經驗、政策資源等會影響其配合的行為,且各個因素間彼此也會交互影響。因而,本論文依研究發現所提出相關政策建議如下:一、強化夥伴關係,透過溝通過程建立良好的互動關係,減少執行單位對政策之抱怨,亦能增進彼此良好的互動關係;二、加強各地方之政策宣導,可透過辦理教育訓練、個案研討會等方式強化執行單位在政策執行上的順利,讓每個執行人員都有明確可資遵循的參考及推動方向,使標的人口更有意願及能力去執行相關的政策方案;三、提升執行人員專業能力,透過專業訓練課程的實施,充實其執行政策所需的專業技能,才能增進各標的人口政策配合的意願;四、完善的配套措施及後續水銀路燈處置改善;五、協助扶植產業之技術純熟,無論發展任何一項技術,標準規範是很重要的依歸,因而中央得以投入資源協助產業,提升其技術之進步,以達真正「助產業」之目標。


In the policy implementation phase, if policy doesn't satisfy the target population, even infringe their interests/right, they will try to hinder the policy to be successful; so the willingness of the target population is very important to a policy that implement smoothly. Bureau of Energy executed the "LED Street Light Project" to implement the LED street-light substitute for Mercury street-light. Although the project has getting on for seventy percent of government that had submit the application, but the township (city) office in Taiwan that had willingness to participate the project less than one sixth of Taiwan, therefore, this research try to by the theory of policy compliance to find the impact factor of target population which in the policy implementation process. Literature review, analyzing documents and depth interview are used in this research. According to the eight impact factors of the theory of policy compliance to analysis the practice policy: the clarity of the Act, the severity of punishment, the cognitive legitimacy of the policy, the extent of the demand force, the people agree the policy, the government's ability to measure the degree of compliance, the range of supervise and the excludability. The main findings are following: the understanding of the target population to the policy, the past practices experience and the political resources were impact the willingness of the target population, and these factors will affect each other. Therefore, this research has proposed some policy suggestion: 1. Strengthen the partnerships, establish the good interaction through the communication process, and reduce the complaining of policy. 2. Enhance the policy advocacy of local government through the education training and the seminar, it can strengthen the policy implementation smoothly. 3. Promote the professional skills of the executive unit, it can raise the willingness of the target population. 4. Perfect relative solutions of the Mercury street-light. 5. Assist the technology skillful of the relative industry and set up a standard to achieve the goal of the "assist industry."


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