  • 學位論文


Fuzzy portfolio model under no short selling

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


本研究在探討一個模糊投資組合,以上市公司股票投資收益與月報酬率風險參數。利用上市公司的股票,我們以投資組合測試的案例,使用風險中立模式進行投資組合分析,並以不同的結果進行敏感性分析。 該數據被分成五個類股有建築,紡織,電子,化工,金融。其中探討企業績效的方法由盈利能力,成長率,償付能力,股息收益率等作為變數計算權重。。 我們想知道最好的選擇類型的股票,並利用TOPSIS法來考慮風險模型的線性規劃問題藉此得到的投資報酬率的模糊投資組合模型。本研究是以計算公開的公司信息為起承,股票的最佳選擇和最佳效益為賺取為核心,給予投資人客觀的投資組合建議。


This paper considers a fuzzy portfolio selection problem with a constrained set of stock investment returns and satisfaction levels in terms of the total return and risk parameter. Using the stock of the listed companies, we find portfolios we tested the illustrated experiments with a sensitivity analysis that employed different investment risks cause have different results. The data are divided into five sectors that are construction, textile, electronic, chemical, and financial. The results indicate that firm performance, which is measured by profitability, growth rate, solvency, dividend yield rate. We want talk about the fuzzy model portfolioby using TOPSIS method and linear program model to choice the best type of stock. This paper consider how to know the best selection of stocks and best benefit for earning after calculating the companies reveal’s information in public.


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