  • 學位論文


An Integration Model for Quality Assurance Mechanism and Business Excellence in HEIs

指導教授 : 張家宜 歐陽良裕


本研究旨在探討大學品質保證機制與卓越經營的相關作法,並提出整合架構,以提供台灣高等教育機構在追求卓越及提升競爭力過程的參考。 本研究首先透過相關文獻瞭解政府透過法令將品質保證制度化的過程,其次以內容分析法探討系所評鑑「認可結果報告書」內容與「評鑑結果」的一致性,接著透過文獻探討,分析大專校院內控制度現況與困難,再比較台灣與美國國家品質獎評審標準與獲獎學校經營成果,並進一步以個案研究法,透過訪談及相關文件探討獲獎大學從推動全面品質管理到獲獎的歷程。 本研究獲致之結論如下: 一、保證系所品質之評鑑結果與「認可結果報告書」之部分內容不一致性;評鑑結果與「認可通過關鍵要素」的「正面意見平均次數」一致,然而,在「負面意見平均次數」方面,「通過」系所之平均次數卻高於「待觀察」系所。 二、公私立大學推動內部控制制度之法源、規範以及作法不同,各校對於正確推動內部控制制度的觀念不足。 三、推動全面品質管理及申請國家品質獎沒有校齡或學校規模的限制,領導者的決心是重要成功因素;而申請國家品質獎過程的觀念、方法以及證據必須正確,要有足夠的教育訓練。 四、系所評鑑、內部控制制度以及國家品質獎的指標有共通之處,本研究提出以超越顧客期望為核心,結合架構、方法以及文化與價值的品質保證機制與卓越經營整合模式。 最後根據研究結論,分別針對大專校院、教育主管機關、國家品質獎負責單位以及未來研究提出相關建議。


This study examines the relationship between mechanisms for implementing quality management in universities and operational excellence. Through a detailed case-study of one university’s successful application of the Total Quality Management system (TQM), this study goes on to suggest an integration model for implementing quality management in institutions of higher education. The findings from this study should be of great interest to other institutions searching for systematic methods of improving management quality and effectiveness, which is essential in the increasingly competitive tertiary education environment in Taiwan. The study has gone through extensive reviews of documentations in order to understand the related legislations concerning the governmental enforcement of the quality assurance institutionalization. At the same time, it has applied the content analysis methodology to investigate the consistency between the evaluation report and the evaluation result. The status quo and the difficulties encountered by local universities’ internal control system have been analyzed accordingly. Comparisons are drawn between national quality awards in Taiwan and the USA, the review processes used therein, as well as the operational results in schools that have won these awards. These varied methods are leveraged to qualify and explain the context in which this case study unfolds, detailing the journey of one university from just starting to promote TQM to ultimately winning a quality award. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. Inconsistency was found between the evaluation result and the evaluation report, There is consistency between the evaluation result and the average times of positive opinions of the accredited key elements. Nevertheless, the average times of negative opinions of the accredited institutes and departments is higher than those of who are on the watch list. 2. Difference in legislations, regulations and measures applied among public and private HEIs were found. Most institutions lacked adequate concepts of how to properly implement internal control measures. 3. There are no constraints on the history and scale of HEIs if they should apply for TQM and the National Quality Award. Determination from the top management is the key success factor. However, it also requires adequate trainings in concepts, methodology and supporting data when any HEI attempts to apply for the National Quality Award. 4. There are similarities of the measures among the institutional evaluation, internal control system and the National Quality Award. The study proposes an integrated model that centers on exceeding customers’ expectation and expands to the framework, method, culture and value to pursue quality assurance mechanisms and business excellence. Finally, according to the results of this study, specific analysis is directed to colleges, educational administrators, those responsible for national quality awards, and suggestions are given for future researchers.


